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"Being in a ship is being in jail, with the chance of being drowned." -- Samuel Johnson

Top 7 stories

231--Nevada: Burning Man, Your Brain on the Playa
@ Where`s Cherie?     Sep 07 2004 - 17:41 PST
This is your brain on the playa. *Photo by Rennie.

This is your brain on the playa. *Photo by Rennie.

cherie writes: When you come to Burning Man, the greeters say: "Welcome Home."

Two hours from Reno, is a desert city where everyone is welcome. It is a environment where outrageous self-expression is prized; a place you can't buy, sell or advertise anything. (*Exception--you can buy ice and coffee.)

This year roaming through Black Rock City were 500 "Mutant Vehicles", or mobile works of art. Most citizens of BRC ride their bikes or walk, but for the few who are able to create a moving vehicle that makes one stand in awe--those few are licensed to drive about the playa.

Join me and watch the wild Burning Man cars, wonderful playa art and the inspirational people who become works of art themselves.
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271--Singapore, Sentosa & Crazy Haw Par Villa
@ CherieSpotting     Jan 06 2005 - 17:26 PST
Cherie at Haw Paw Villa, a strange, fantastic, unusual, and gaudy Chinese theme park in Singapore.

Cherie at Haw Paw Villa, a strange, fantastic, unusual, and gaudy Chinese theme park in Singapore.

cherie writes: Singapore is an extremely clean and fairly expensive country with about 3 million people. Margaret and I stayed with Brian (Margaret's friend) and spent a few days seeing some of Singapore’s sights.

We started with Haw Par Villa, a crazy Chinese theme park. Margaret and I turned into little girls and played with all the strange and gaudy statues. Some of the statues were quite disturbing, but the most unsettling attraction was the “10 Courts of Hell” which demonstrates what happens to you in your after-life if you are bad.

During your life if you curse, you will be thrown into a tree of knives when you die. For the misuse of books, your body will be sawn in two (but who cares, you are dead…right?)
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101--California: Klub Karem (30th Birthday!)
@ Site News     Dec 08 2002 - 11:05 PST
Karem couldn't be happier on her 30th birthday!  She has a fantastic husband, incredible family, spectacular friends (of which I happen to be one of),a wonderful home, and a great job!  No wonder she's smiling!

Karem couldn't be happier on her 30th birthday! She has a fantastic husband, incredible family, spectacular friends (of which I happen to be one of),a wonderful home, and a great job! No wonder she's smiling!

cherie writes: On November 16, 2002 Karem's peaceful home turned into a raging party. There was truckloads of food, cases of drinks, a DJ, bartender and a houseload of friends and family. Karem turned 30 on November 17th, so the party went crazy at midnight!
Here are the pictures!
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87-Glen Eden: First Time at a Nudist Resort
@ CherieSpotting     Oct 04 2002 - 11:00 PST
At the nudist resort, you can only wear thongs.  Here's one interpretation of that rule.

At the nudist resort, you can only wear thongs. Here's one interpretation of that rule.

cherie writes: Naked people are funny. They have to be. It is simply impossible to be naked and be a jerk simultaneously. Someone might say, “Look at that asshole!” And then you’ve got a bunch of nudists checking out your butt.

So if you’re up for some good, clean, naked fun, drop by Glen Eden, one of Southern California’s most popular nudist resorts. It’s about a 45 minute drive east of Los Angeles and Orange County. Greg, two friends, and I headed east for Eden to see what this nudist colony thing was all about. First we learned that we should never call a ‘nudist colony’ a ‘nudist colony.’ Colonies are for ants, nudists have resorts.

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74-It's Called "Adventure"
@ CherieSpotting     Aug 22 2002 - 08:46 PST
Cherie hang-gliding in Rio, Brazil.  I didn't have to sign one form before this guy told me to hold on as he ran off a plank protruding from a mountain.  Luckily we landed safely on the soft sandy beach below.

Cherie hang-gliding in Rio, Brazil. I didn't have to sign one form before this guy told me to hold on as he ran off a plank protruding from a mountain. Luckily we landed safely on the soft sandy beach below.

cherie writes: Something is wrong with my chromosome 11, and it could be dangerous. OK, maybe not dangerous, but certainly adventurous.

Thrill seekers who are more “exploratory, impulsive, fickle, excitable, quick-tempered and extravagant” may have a longer D4DG gene (which is located on chromosome 11.) It may not be fashionable anymore, but it turns out that my genes are too long.

This new scientific research begs the question: “Is my extreme risk taking biological?” Scientists say that people with an elongated D4DG gene (a gene which helps regulate dopamine) can become anything from adventure seekers to murderers. Or, they might just sell everything they own to travel the world.

Luckily there is a social club for us risk-taking adventurous souls. And you don’t even need an elongated gene to join! For more information click on:
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149--Nevada: Burning Man 2003 "Desert Eden"
@ CherieSpotting     Sep 03 2003 - 11:11 PST
One of the tricks to staying cool at Burning Man is staying in the shade!

One of the tricks to staying cool at Burning Man is staying in the shade!

cherie writes: Burning Man has over 500 theme camps that hold events everyday. Some camps this year included Camp Eden (our camp) along with the Big Puffy Yellow Camp, the Genital Portrait Studio, Tribal Penis Gourd Camp, Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet and the TechnoFartz Camp. Events ranged from learning to make vodka, to making ceramic art, to learning how to tie up your loved one without hurting them. Other events included the Smooching Workshop, Critical Tits Bike-Ride, (N)asscar Racing, Finnish Wife-Carrying Contest, Temple of Atonement Slave Auction, Evil Clown Rampage, Penis Gourds on Parade, Star Walk Fashion Show, Naked Brunch, Sacred Monkey Tickle Healing, Great Canadian Beaver Eating Contest and s’mores under the stars after the Man burned down. Here are some more photos from around the playa!
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80-Burning Man--The Diary of a Mud Model
@ CherieSpotting     Sep 04 2002 - 17:48 PST
Mud people making their own artistic fun.

Mud people making their own artistic fun.

cherie writes: Have you ever wanted to cover yourself in mud on a blazing afternoon and let people take pictures of you? That's what we did. We took off our clothes, put on some mud, all in the name of art. Our "compensation" was a day of crazy fun, a signed enlarged photo by the professional photographer, and an intimate bath in "premium mud". Come look at more of my "filthy pictures!" Models: Jean, Anne, Rennie and I. Photographers--Greg and Dustin.
Also some famous guy was there taking pictures, but I haven't seen his finsihed work yet.
*All the photos in this section were taken by Dustin Fox.
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