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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability." -- Henry Ford

439--Nevada: It's the People (Burning Man Evolution 2009)
@ CherieSpotting     Sep 25 2009 - 19:03 PST
cherie writes: What is "playa-wear"? As far as fashion is concerned, anything, everything and nothing are all good choices in the Black Rock Desert. People never cease to surprise me at Burning Man. It's not what they wear that is shocking--it's how much they give.

You never know what the day will bring when you're in Black Rock City. Whether it is dancing at the Pink Mammoth, watching a trapeze show, enjoying the Pop Corn Palace, watching dogs play poker, or playing mini-golf with Tom Cruise...anything can happen.

Sometimes the day is just plain silly, like when you find yourself on a balance beam whacking your friend with a giant drum stick. Other times the day is serious, like when you stumble through the desert and find thousands of combat boots that represent soldiers that were recently killed.

One thing is certain—Black Rock City is full of life, love, acceptance, and wonder. And in the end, Burning Man is all about the people. (Greg says it is also about the laser beams.)

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Brian, Karem, Cherie, Greg, Jessa and Andy throw on a dash of pink and head over to the Pink Mammoth for the afternoon dance party.

Brian, Karem, Cherie, Greg, Jessa and Andy throw on a dash of pink and head over to the Pink Mammoth for the afternoon dance party.

Greg, Cherie and Brian.

Greg, Cherie and Brian.

I'm ready for my playa fortune!

I'm ready for my playa fortune!



The Pink Mammoth.

The Pink Mammoth.

You don't see that everyday in the desert.

You don't see that everyday in the desert.

Who's got talent?

Who's got talent?

Watching the show.

Watching the show.

Brian at the Pop Corn Palace.

Brian at the Pop Corn Palace.

There's a funky means of transportation.

There's a funky means of transportation.

Dogs playing poker on the playa.

Dogs playing poker on the playa.

The natives are here.

The natives are here.

Karem on the playa.

Karem on the playa.

Read signs very carefully in Black Rock City.

Read signs very carefully in Black Rock City.

Andy on the mini-golf course.

Andy on the mini-golf course.

Look who has a trophy.

Look who has a trophy.

Don't hurt Tom Cruise!

Don't hurt Tom Cruise!

Dusty friends: Cherie, Karem, Brian & Andy.

Dusty friends: Cherie, Karem, Brian & Andy.

Who is the guy with the puppet? Are puppets allowed?

Who is the guy with the puppet? Are puppets allowed?

Cherie going ape on a bike.

Cherie going ape on a bike.

Always fight fair.  Always fight with a giant drumstick.

Always fight fair. Always fight with a giant drumstick.

Get ready to rumble.

Get ready to rumble.

This means war.

This means war.

Get the balance right.

Get the balance right.

Whack! Take that.

Whack! Take that.

Something tells me that Dean is enjoying this.

Something tells me that Dean is enjoying this.

Greg and Cherie.

Greg and Cherie.



A beautiful day to play at Primate Playground.

A beautiful day to play at Primate Playground.

Andy with playa-time.

Andy with playa-time.

It's hard to separate a woman from her Cheetos.

It's hard to separate a woman from her Cheetos.

Cherie in desert pink.

Cherie in desert pink.

Does your couch swing? Why not?

Does your couch swing? Why not?

Cherie, Andy & Karem.

Cherie, Andy & Karem.

Cherie & Greg.

Cherie & Greg.

Brian getting cozy.

Brian getting cozy.





Morning in the desert.

Morning in the desert.

Trying to be artsy.

Trying to be artsy.

Music in the desert.

Music in the desert.

Brian likes cookies. Do you?

Brian likes cookies. Do you?

Big smile from Josh.

Big smile from Josh.

Today's color is pink.

Today's color is pink.

Tim has lots of reasons to smile.

Tim has lots of reasons to smile.

Josh and Su.

Josh and Su.

After all the work, it's time to play.

After all the work, it's time to play.



Karem, Tim and Cherie.

Karem, Tim and Cherie.

Brian makes a friend.

Brian makes a friend.

Tim and Brian.

Tim and Brian.

People were "re-birthed" through this macrame "womb".

People were "re-birthed" through this macrame "womb".

This is another Burning Man thing (macrame birthing) that is difficult to explain.

This is another Burning Man thing (macrame birthing) that is difficult to explain.

Cherie with a centaur.

Cherie with a centaur.

Cherie playing "Whack Ca-Nuck". She bonked Canadians on the head.

Cherie playing "Whack Ca-Nuck". She bonked Canadians on the head.

Safety third. At least they have helmets on.

Safety third. At least they have helmets on.

Hey...where are my tickets so I can exchange them for a plastic spider?

Hey...where are my tickets so I can exchange them for a plastic spider?

Molly meets a gangster with pastel treats.

Molly meets a gangster with pastel treats.

Relaxing at camp.

Relaxing at camp.

Showing off a gift from Lisa! The playa panties were perfect.

Showing off a gift from Lisa! The playa panties were perfect.

Cherie & Karem.

Cherie & Karem.

Su & Josh.

Su & Josh.

Cherie with the Pink Panther.

Cherie with the Pink Panther.