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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Age is a high price to pay for maturity." -- Tom Stoppard

434--Key West: A Pub Stroll (or the Duval Crawl)
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 16 2009 - 09:05 PST
cherie writes: Visiting twelve bars in twelve tours takes dedication (and a strong liver.) But Karem and I were determined to see all the best bars in Key West in one day. Of course, we missed a few, as there are more than a dozen great spots on this 2x4 island…but here’s a list of the bars I chose for our Key West Pub Crawl: Hogfish, Schooner Wharf, Alonzo’s, Captain Tony’s, Sloppy Joe’s, Kelly’s, La Concha Hotel, the Bull, the Whistle, the Garden of Eden, Cowboy Bills, and Virgilio’s.

During our day of debauchery, we listened to live music, got behind more than one bar, met a few funky locals, watched the sunset, saw a comedy show, and Karem finished the night off by riding a mechanical bull. We averaged one drink an hour, drank lots of water, and didn’t have a hangover the next day.

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Cherie and Karem by the shrimp boats on Stock Island. We filled up our bellies at Hogfish before we set out on our Key West bar stroll.

Cherie and Karem by the shrimp boats on Stock Island. We filled up our bellies at Hogfish before we set out on our Key West bar stroll.

Cherie's Choice Key West Pub Crawl started at the Hogfish on Stock Island.  Drink #0, time 2:00pm.

Cherie's Choice Key West Pub Crawl started at the Hogfish on Stock Island. Drink #0, time 2:00pm.

Karem hears the next bar calling (or was it the ocean?)

Karem hears the next bar calling (or was it the ocean?)

We meet up with Anthony for a drink at Schooner Wharf Bar...the offical first drink of our pub crawl.

We meet up with Anthony for a drink at Schooner Wharf Bar...the offical first drink of our pub crawl.

Michael McCloud was playing at the Schooner Wharf Bar.

Michael McCloud was playing at the Schooner Wharf Bar.

Karem holds up one finger to sybolize the first drink of the day.  It's not quite 5 o'clock yet, but then...we have a lot of bars to cover in the next 12 hours.

Karem holds up one finger to sybolize the first drink of the day. It's not quite 5 o'clock yet, but then...we have a lot of bars to cover in the next 12 hours.

Our second drink is one of my favorite's in Key West--the Key Lime Martini at Alonzo's (if you go between 4 and 6:30, it's half price.)

Our second drink is one of my favorite's in Key West--the Key Lime Martini at Alonzo's (if you go between 4 and 6:30, it's half price.)

Alonzo's Key Lime Martini was too good. Now it's time to try Alonzo's mohito. (Note to self: do not consume shellfish during a bar crawl.)

Alonzo's Key Lime Martini was too good. Now it's time to try Alonzo's mohito. (Note to self: do not consume shellfish during a bar crawl.)

Cherie and Karem at Hemingway's favorite bar, renamed Captain Tony's.

Cherie and Karem at Hemingway's favorite bar, renamed Captain Tony's.

Our fourth drink consumed at Captain Tony's.

Our fourth drink consumed at Captain Tony's.

Are we counting the bars or the drinks...we're not sure, so we give this next shot a 4 1/2.  (That's a real dead guy behind the bar at Captain Tony's.)

Are we counting the bars or the drinks...we're not sure, so we give this next shot a 4 1/2. (That's a real dead guy behind the bar at Captain Tony's.)

Captain Tony's wall decor.

Captain Tony's wall decor.

Who is thinking about business in a bar?

Who is thinking about business in a bar?

I'm not sure what Greg is doing in this shot, but he looks happy to be doing it (could that be because of the 4 drinks?)

I'm not sure what Greg is doing in this shot, but he looks happy to be doing it (could that be because of the 4 drinks?)

Our 5th beverage was a Key West Lemonade at Sloppy Joe's.

Our 5th beverage was a Key West Lemonade at Sloppy Joe's.

Getting to know the bartender at Sloppy Joe's.

Getting to know the bartender at Sloppy Joe's.

On the way to Kelly's, we met this Conch character.

On the way to Kelly's, we met this Conch character.

Cherie and Karem at Kelly's--also the birthplace of America's first International Flight from Key West to Cuba.

Cherie and Karem at Kelly's--also the birthplace of America's first International Flight from Key West to Cuba.

Our 6th drink is a margarita at Kelly's.

Our 6th drink is a margarita at Kelly's.

Drink #7 is at the top of the La Concha Hotel for sunset.

Drink #7 is at the top of the La Concha Hotel for sunset.

The sunsets in Key West are always spectacular.

The sunsets in Key West are always spectacular.

We "lost count" and re-did our 7th drink at the Bull.

We "lost count" and re-did our 7th drink at the Bull.

Behind the bar at the Bull we catch up and realize it's our 8th drink. But we're pacing ourselves...and the bartenders are pouring light.

Behind the bar at the Bull we catch up and realize it's our 8th drink. But we're pacing ourselves...and the bartenders are pouring light.

Just upstairs from the Bull is our 9th drink at the Whistle.

Just upstairs from the Bull is our 9th drink at the Whistle.

Our tenth drink is at the slightly creepy Garden of Eden.

Our tenth drink is at the slightly creepy Garden of Eden.

Our 11th drink is at Cowboy Bills where we met comedian Adam Hunter.

Our 11th drink is at Cowboy Bills where we met comedian Adam Hunter.

There's an urban cowboy.

There's an urban cowboy.

Karem rides the mechanical bull at Cowboy Bills.

Karem rides the mechanical bull at Cowboy Bills.

Full speed ahead, Karem is a natural on the mechanical bull at Cowboy Bills.

Full speed ahead, Karem is a natural on the mechanical bull at Cowboy Bills.

Our 12th drink is at Virgilio's--the best place to have a martini in Key West.

Our 12th drink is at Virgilio's--the best place to have a martini in Key West.

We close our bar stroll at Virgilio's.

We close our bar stroll at Virgilio's.

The sign at the Garden of Eden.

The sign at the Garden of Eden.