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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it." -- Confucius

433--Key West: Burlesque High Noon Pirate Booty Sail
@ CherieSpotting     Apr 08 2009 - 09:33 PST
cherie writes: The High Noon Pirate Booty Sail was a celebration of a quest accomplished. Two years ago, Theo Glorie, owner of the Coffee Plantation started with a red paperclip and traded up to an afternoon sail aboard the Jolly II Rover for forty friends. Then Theo traded his afternoon sail for his dream motorcycle. Theo’s wife Diane and his closest friends were aboard the 80-ft tallship to celebrate his achievement with plastic swords and fake eye-patches.

Starlets Tatah Dujour, Lola Lafleur and Cheeky Derriere from Key West Burlesque and the Bone Island Buccaneers came aboard for High Noon entertainment singing and swinging around Key West’s famous schooner the Jolly II Rover.

The scantily clad ladies poured rum punch in their revolvers and “shot” every guest (with phenomenal accuracy). No one wanted this sail to end!

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Karem and Cherie meet Cheeky Derriere and Lola Lafleur of Key West Burlesque on the High Noon Sail aboard the Schooner Jolly II Rover in Key West.

Karem and Cherie meet Cheeky Derriere and Lola Lafleur of Key West Burlesque on the High Noon Sail aboard the Schooner Jolly II Rover in Key West.

Tatah Dujour is the Conch Republic's Queen of Burlesque.

Tatah Dujour is the Conch Republic's Queen of Burlesque.

Watch out...the revolvers are filled with rum.

Watch out...the revolvers are filled with rum.

Lola Lafleur from Key West Burlesque.

Lola Lafleur from Key West Burlesque.

Captain Bloody Spike Pierce from the Bone Island Buccaneers.

Captain Bloody Spike Pierce from the Bone Island Buccaneers.

After two years of trading, Theo finally gets his BMW motorcycle (he traded the cruise on the Jolly II Rover for it.)

After two years of trading, Theo finally gets his BMW motorcycle (he traded the cruise on the Jolly II Rover for it.)

A snarl from one of the Bone Island Buccaneers.

A snarl from one of the Bone Island Buccaneers.

Diane and Sr. Lobo.

Diane and Sr. Lobo.

Cheeky Derriere gets a giant ruby to add to her booty.

Cheeky Derriere gets a giant ruby to add to her booty.

Lola and her red boa.

Lola and her red boa.

A relaxing pose.

A relaxing pose.

This sailor isn't complaining about the view.

This sailor isn't complaining about the view.



Lola can't hear you!

Lola can't hear you!

Greg and Cherie. (Greg thought it was a pilot party...not a pirate party!)

Greg and Cherie. (Greg thought it was a pilot party...not a pirate party!)

Sisters Diane and Loretta.

Sisters Diane and Loretta.

Hold on, look who is at the helm.

Hold on, look who is at the helm.

Karem with local sailors.

Karem with local sailors.

Greg in his pilot costume.

Greg in his pilot costume.



A shot of rum for Greg.

A shot of rum for Greg.

A shot of rum for Sr. Lobo.

A shot of rum for Sr. Lobo.

Karem gets a shot.

Karem gets a shot.

Captain Bloody Spike Pierce and Karem.

Captain Bloody Spike Pierce and Karem.

A wench.

A wench.

The ladies climb the stairs.

The ladies climb the stairs.

Karem and Cherie.

Karem and Cherie.

Greg as a pilot.

Greg as a pilot.







Diane and Rick.

Diane and Rick.

Sr. Lobo gets shot again.

Sr. Lobo gets shot again.



Tatah Dujour with a local sailor.

Tatah Dujour with a local sailor.



There's a serious sailor.

There's a serious sailor.

The red boa is the co-star of this photo.

The red boa is the co-star of this photo.



Cheeky and Lola.

Cheeky and Lola.

Pirate fight!

Pirate fight!

A new spa procedure called the: "Boa Wrap."

A new spa procedure called the: "Boa Wrap."

Don't mess with a woman with a sword.

Don't mess with a woman with a sword.

In this case, all that glitters really is gold.

In this case, all that glitters really is gold.

The pirates go crazy for Tatah Dujour.

The pirates go crazy for Tatah Dujour.

Enjoying the Burlesque show aboard the Jolly II Rover.

Enjoying the Burlesque show aboard the Jolly II Rover.

Working hard.

Working hard.



Cheeky from Key West Burlesque.

Cheeky from Key West Burlesque.

Strike a pose.

Strike a pose.

Where has your boa been lately?

Where has your boa been lately?





The Liberty Clipper sails by.

The Liberty Clipper sails by.

Cherie and Karem.

Cherie and Karem.

Pirate Cherie.

Pirate Cherie.

Karem, Diane and Cherie.

Karem, Diane and Cherie.

Just another day under sail.

Just another day under sail.

Tom and Theo.

Tom and Theo.

Pirate party.

Pirate party.

Sailing fun.

Sailing fun.



Pirate twins Cherie & Karem.

Pirate twins Cherie & Karem.

Theo and Diane.

Theo and Diane.

What's going on below deck?

What's going on below deck?

Tallships sail by for a closer look at what's going on aboard the Jolly II Rover.

Tallships sail by for a closer look at what's going on aboard the Jolly II Rover.

Grog and tallships in the seas near Key West. (That's Captian Bloody Spike Pierce.)

Grog and tallships in the seas near Key West. (That's Captian Bloody Spike Pierce.)

Karem and Captian Bloody Spike Pierce.

Karem and Captian Bloody Spike Pierce.

Give a toast like a pirate!

Give a toast like a pirate!

Balance is very important on a ship.

Balance is very important on a ship.

There's a fine looking crew.

There's a fine looking crew.

Richie (keeping an eye out for turtles) and Karem.

Richie (keeping an eye out for turtles) and Karem.

Ladies with booty holding down the stern.

Ladies with booty holding down the stern.

Karem, Rick and Cherie.

Karem, Rick and Cherie.

Key West...where the sun (and the fun) never stops.

Key West...where the sun (and the fun) never stops.

The lovely Lola.

The lovely Lola.

A pilot at heart.

A pilot at heart.

Karem, Sr. Lobo and Cherie.

Karem, Sr. Lobo and Cherie.

Join the Jolly II Rover for pirate-style burlesque.

Join the Jolly II Rover for pirate-style burlesque.

Cherie gets held up by Cheeky and Lola of Key West Burlesque.

Cherie gets held up by Cheeky and Lola of Key West Burlesque.

Cherie and Lola.

Cherie and Lola.

There's a reason why Captain Bloody Spike Pierce is smiling.  Can anyone guess?

There's a reason why Captain Bloody Spike Pierce is smiling. Can anyone guess?

Don't let those scoundrels behind the helm.

Don't let those scoundrels behind the helm.

Greg and Cherie.

Greg and Cherie.

Jenn and Ray.

Jenn and Ray.

Pirate wenches always love a man in uniform.

Pirate wenches always love a man in uniform.

Theo and Diane closed the Coffee Plantation with a sign saying: "Gone Sailing" so they could attend the High Noon Sail aboard the Jolly II Rover.

Theo and Diane closed the Coffee Plantation with a sign saying: "Gone Sailing" so they could attend the High Noon Sail aboard the Jolly II Rover.