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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Follow your desire as long as you live...for the wasting of time is an abomination of the spirit." -- Ptahhotpe, 2350 B.C.

429--Key West: Camping in the Florida Keys
@ CherieSpotting     Feb 26 2009 - 14:37 PST
cherie writes: This is a collection of photos I’ve taken over the past two weeks in the Florida Keys. Sure there are incredible sunsets, but the Keys also has charming architecture, white sand beaches, puffy clouds, waterfront campsites, funky dogs, feral chickens, wild art, romantic tallships and courageous street performers on Mallory Square.

Key West is more than just a strip of bars on Duval Street. If you explore the nooks and crannies of the island, you’ll find the gems like Mo’s (at 1116 White St.), a local Haitian restaurant where the food is so heavenly it can’t be described in words. A group of friends had dinner at Mo’s and we were so enchanted with the food, we got up and danced around the restaurant. Dancing is always allowed in Key West!

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Cherie with her bike and RV at Long Key State Park in the Florida Keys.

Cherie with her bike and RV at Long Key State Park in the Florida Keys.

That bird was eyeing my Key Lime Pie...good thing I finished it quick.

That bird was eyeing my Key Lime Pie...good thing I finished it quick.

The bird that has no fear.

The bird that has no fear.

I think I scared him away.

I think I scared him away.

Taking a photo out the RV window.

Taking a photo out the RV window.

Cherie at the helm in the Florida Keys.

Cherie at the helm in the Florida Keys.

A glass of wine at the campsite at sundown.

A glass of wine at the campsite at sundown.

Sunrise view from the RV window.

Sunrise view from the RV window.

Greg isn't ready to get up yet.

Greg isn't ready to get up yet.

Camping at Florida's Long Key State Park.

Camping at Florida's Long Key State Park.

Charming architecture in the Keys.

Charming architecture in the Keys.

Charming architecture in the Keys.

Charming architecture in the Keys.

I love that the bike path is separate from the traffic.

I love that the bike path is separate from the traffic.

Look what I found on my morning walk.

Look what I found on my morning walk.

White sands and blue water.

White sands and blue water.

The view from the RV office.

The view from the RV office.

Kicking back with a book.

Kicking back with a book.

Camping in paradise (also known as the Florida Keys.)

Camping in paradise (also known as the Florida Keys.)

Here comes the sun again! Can you feel the ocean breeze?

Here comes the sun again! Can you feel the ocean breeze?

Watching the view.

Watching the view.

I love the clouds in Florida.

I love the clouds in Florida.

Putting my feet up after a relaxing day.

Putting my feet up after a relaxing day.

A wave from Greg.

A wave from Greg.

All the campsites in Long Key are waterfront sites.

All the campsites in Long Key are waterfront sites.

Clouds are cool.

Clouds are cool.

A canoe in the warm light of dusk.

A canoe in the warm light of dusk.

Long Key State Park.

Long Key State Park.

A tallship sailing in Key West.

A tallship sailing in Key West.

A tallship sailing in Key West.

A tallship sailing in Key West.

Loretta enjoying the view.

Loretta enjoying the view.

A boat washed ashore.

A boat washed ashore.

Our spot at Boyd's campground in Key West.

Our spot at Boyd's campground in Key West.

The local birds.

The local birds.

Our campsite at Boyd's Campground.

Our campsite at Boyd's Campground.

The view from our backyard at Boyd's Campground.

The view from our backyard at Boyd's Campground.

Diane and Cherie.

Diane and Cherie.

Greg "experiments" with breakfast and makes a "meat pancake." Disgusting.

Greg "experiments" with breakfast and makes a "meat pancake." Disgusting.

Greg's experiment "meat pancake".  I think Greg does things like this so he can get out of cooking breakfast.

Greg's experiment "meat pancake". I think Greg does things like this so he can get out of cooking breakfast.

Key West waterfront property?

Key West waterfront property?

The local pelicans.

The local pelicans.

Copy cats (copy birds?)

Copy cats (copy birds?)

Standing at attention.

Standing at attention.

House or boat?

House or boat?

A boat with character.

A boat with character.

Derelict boats.

Derelict boats.

The view from my kayak.

The view from my kayak.

Tropical birdstand.

Tropical birdstand.

Greg and Cherie

Greg and Cherie

Greg and Cherie at sunset.

Greg and Cherie at sunset.

The view from our RV.

The view from our RV.

What should you do with your old airplane engines?

What should you do with your old airplane engines?

Here I am with Bingo, one silly local Key West dog.

Here I am with Bingo, one silly local Key West dog.

Cherie and Bingo.  (Cherie used to have dreadlocks; Bingo currently does.)

Cherie and Bingo. (Cherie used to have dreadlocks; Bingo currently does.)

Bingo, the dog with dreads.

Bingo, the dog with dreads.

Mermaid in a Key West bar.

Mermaid in a Key West bar.

Greg and Cherie at Mile 0.

Greg and Cherie at Mile 0.

One of Key West's wild chickens.

One of Key West's wild chickens.

Greg by the "King Lear" statue in Key West.

Greg by the "King Lear" statue in Key West.

Looking up at the "King Lear" statue in Key West.

Looking up at the "King Lear" statue in Key West.

Art in Key West.

Art in Key West.

Another perspective.

Another perspective.

Art watching art.

Art watching art.

A statue painting another statue.

A statue painting another statue.

Key West tallship.

Key West tallship.

Perhaps these lines need replacing?

Perhaps these lines need replacing?

A ship at dusk.

A ship at dusk.

Silhouette of a tallship.

Silhouette of a tallship.

Crowds at Mallory Square.

Crowds at Mallory Square.

Greg at Mallory Square.

Greg at Mallory Square.

Greg at Mallory Square.

Greg at Mallory Square.

Mallory Square performer.

Mallory Square performer.

Mallory Square for sunset.

Mallory Square for sunset.

Watching the sunset in Key West.

Watching the sunset in Key West.

Sunset in Key West.

Sunset in Key West.

No wonder the sunsets are famous in Key West.

No wonder the sunsets are famous in Key West.

Sunset in Key West.

Sunset in Key West.

Sunset at sea.

Sunset at sea.

Performers in Mallory Square.

Performers in Mallory Square.

A tribute to our troops.

A tribute to our troops.

Theo and Diane have us over for drinks.

Theo and Diane have us over for drinks.

Eating at Mo's, our favorite Haitian restaurant.

Eating at Mo's, our favorite Haitian restaurant.

A toast to delicious food.

A toast to delicious food.

Everyone is so happy, we can't help but get up and dance.

Everyone is so happy, we can't help but get up and dance.

Eat the calories, then burn the calories.

Eat the calories, then burn the calories.

Dancing is contagious.

Dancing is contagious.

So much fun!

So much fun!

Diane flashes a smile.

Diane flashes a smile.

The ladies.

The ladies.

The gang at Mo's.

The gang at Mo's.

Now there's a beautiful family (the owners of Mo's.) And can they cook!

Now there's a beautiful family (the owners of Mo's.) And can they cook!