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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer." -- Muhammad Ali

419--Wyoming: Yellowstone National Park
@ CherieSpotting     Nov 20 2008 - 14:59 PST
cherie writes: Yellowstone National Park is a wonderland of steamy color and interesting wildlife. Greg and I watched wolves, elk, bears, coyote, squirrels, birds and buffalo. Joining wolf-watchers and geyser gazers, we explored the park’s mud volcanoes, petrified trees, and obsidian cliffs. And we saw enough erupting geysers and geothermic features to hold Greg over for the next decade. I, on the other hand, could always watch one more geyser explode.

It was here in Yellowstone that Greg picked up a new euphemism for farting. On the rare occasion Greg “passes gas” he now says: “I think we just passed another geothermic feature.” You have no idea how horrible it is to be cooped up with a stinky fart inside a vehicle in Yellowstone. You’re stuck because that rotten egg smell is now both outside the car (actually emitting from cracks in the earth) and inside the car (emitting from other cracks.) Greg says he’ll stop imitating geothermic features if I stop finding more geysers to watch. That’s a difficult deal to make, since over half the world’s geysers are located in Yellowstone. Watch our Yellowstone video.

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Cherie by a geyser about to erupt in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Cherie by a geyser about to erupt in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Greg by Liberty Cap, a dormant hotspring cone.

Greg by Liberty Cap, a dormant hotspring cone.

Under the tower.

Under the tower.

Mookie, our RV, on the road.

Mookie, our RV, on the road.

There's an energy being out on the open road.

There's an energy being out on the open road.



Heat rises off of Mammoth Springs.

Heat rises off of Mammoth Springs.

Steam and bubbles.

Steam and bubbles.

Although most of Yellowstone National Park is above 7500-ft, this isn't snow!

Although most of Yellowstone National Park is above 7500-ft, this isn't snow!

The air is warm and moist around the geothermal features.

The air is warm and moist around the geothermal features.

Cascading heat.

Cascading heat.

Beauty under water.

Beauty under water.

Cherie and Greg.

Cherie and Greg.

Almost looks like snow.

Almost looks like snow.



What seems barren is full of life.

What seems barren is full of life.

White cliffs of Yellowstone.

White cliffs of Yellowstone.

Cherie and Greg by Mookie, the RV.

Cherie and Greg by Mookie, the RV.

How close is too close?

How close is too close?

The Buffalo stroll down the road causing a traffic jam of one (us!)

The Buffalo stroll down the road causing a traffic jam of one (us!)

Ths buffalo had that look in his eye.

Ths buffalo had that look in his eye.

A herd of buffalo.

A herd of buffalo.

The sunsets are hard to does the sky produce such colors?

The sunsets are hard to does the sky produce such colors?

The mornings are cold.

The mornings are cold.

Start the day with a little wolf-watching.

Start the day with a little wolf-watching.

Greg peers through the scope.

Greg peers through the scope.

We watch a grizzly bear rip apart an elk carcass.

We watch a grizzly bear rip apart an elk carcass.

More elk.

More elk.

This is for the birds.

This is for the birds.

Another visit to Mammoth Hot Springs.

Another visit to Mammoth Hot Springs.

Mammoth Hot Springs.

Mammoth Hot Springs.

Will the trees survive the minerals?

Will the trees survive the minerals?

Blue skies warm the park.

Blue skies warm the park.

Yellowstone National Park.

Yellowstone National Park.

The trees stand as a proof that the soil used to be different here.

The trees stand as a proof that the soil used to be different here.

Lost in a stream.

Lost in a stream.



Orange and green.

Orange and green.

Watch out for the deep end.

Watch out for the deep end.

Doesn't this geothermic feature look like 'the scream?'

Doesn't this geothermic feature look like 'the scream?'

Dare to take a dip?

Dare to take a dip?

Each pool had its own amazing color and shape.

Each pool had its own amazing color and shape.

Steamy night.

Steamy night.

Mud that boils.

Mud that boils.

Much to Greg's dismay, I could watch mud pots for hours.

Much to Greg's dismay, I could watch mud pots for hours.

Birds and the beast.

Birds and the beast.

When the river runs red, does something bad happen?

When the river runs red, does something bad happen?

Hey...over here the water is green!

Hey...over here the water is green!

Another beautiful sunset in Yellowstone National Park.

Another beautiful sunset in Yellowstone National Park.

Time to explore!

Time to explore!

The beauty of Yellowstone is in the details.

The beauty of Yellowstone is in the details.

You really have to take the time to look in every pool of water.

You really have to take the time to look in every pool of water.

Sometimes you have to look up, otherwise you'll miss the buffalo.

Sometimes you have to look up, otherwise you'll miss the buffalo.

The steam is warm, the air is cold.

The steam is warm, the air is cold.

Really...where do these colors come from? Bacteria, I knew it!

Really...where do these colors come from? Bacteria, I knew it!

Greg wonders: "How many more geological features do we have to see?"

Greg wonders: "How many more geological features do we have to see?"

Eruption coming soon.

Eruption coming soon.

Cherie and Greg by the geyser.

Cherie and Greg by the geyser.

That looks like an ear!

That looks like an ear!

Someone didn't get to see the geyser erupt.

Someone didn't get to see the geyser erupt.

Cherie and Greg.

Cherie and Greg.

The grotto.

The grotto.

Pools of startling color.

Pools of startling color.

What's brewing?

What's brewing?

Daisy geyser erupting.

Daisy geyser erupting.

A little bird.

A little bird.

Grand Geyser erupting.

Grand Geyser erupting.

With the help of local geyser gazers, we were able to estimate the timing of Grand Geyser's eruption.

With the help of local geyser gazers, we were able to estimate the timing of Grand Geyser's eruption.

A petrified tree.

A petrified tree.

Oh no, we have to go through traffic again!

Oh no, we have to go through traffic again!



Greg waits for the herd to clear the road.

Greg waits for the herd to clear the road.

Mookie at our riverside campsite.

Mookie at our riverside campsite.

A little squirrel.

A little squirrel.

Coyote--not ugly.

Coyote--not ugly.

We looked right into the coyote's eyes.

We looked right into the coyote's eyes.

Morning frost.

Morning frost.

Icey plants next to steamy rivers.

Icey plants next to steamy rivers.

Despite the storm warnings, Old Faithful geyser erupts.

Despite the storm warnings, Old Faithful geyser erupts.

Visting the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

Visting the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

Watching the waterfall.

Watching the waterfall.

Waterfall in the morning light.

Waterfall in the morning light.

A grizzly bear. *Photo taken by my Uncle Richard Nordskog.

A grizzly bear. *Photo taken by my Uncle Richard Nordskog.

And then the earth cracked up.

And then the earth cracked up.