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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer." -- Muhammad Ali

404--Mexico: The Vallarta Cup
@ CherieSpotting     Jan 21 2008 - 15:41 PST
cherie writes: The first Vallarta Cup is currently taking place in Banderas Bay off of Puerto Vallarta. A series of four races every Saturday during the month of January 2008, the Vallarta Cup attracted yachts from a tiny J80 owned by J World to the massive J160s Blue and Nova Kane.

But the Vallarta Cup wasn’t just full of J-boat racers. Charlie and Cathy Simon brought out their Beneteau 461 Chére (shockingly not named after me!), Dorr Anderson skippered his Jeaneau 40 Bright Star while Jamie and Christine Tate brought out their Hylas 46 Morning Light and raced against Charissa, a Peterson Liberty 458.

Which yacht won the race didn’t really matter (that means we didn’t win.) It was all about the fun in the sun and making new friends while practicing new racing strategies!

If you can think of a better way to spend a Saturday, let me know. Wind and sails were made for each other, and if there’s a breeze this week--you’ll find us on the water!

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Cherie on Chére, a Beneteau 461 owned by friends Charlie and Cathy Simon.

Cherie on Chére, a Beneteau 461 owned by friends Charlie and Cathy Simon.

Skipper Charlie with Charissa, a Peterson Liberty 458 in the distance.

Skipper Charlie with Charissa, a Peterson Liberty 458 in the distance.

Don't cross me!

Don't cross me!

David, from S/V Eupsychia, multi-tasking aboard Chére.

David, from S/V Eupsychia, multi-tasking aboard Chére.

Charlie calling tactics with Greg at the helm.

Charlie calling tactics with Greg at the helm.

Charissa and Nina May.

Charissa and Nina May.

Walt, from Wind Ketcher, on the bow of Chére.

Walt, from Wind Ketcher, on the bow of Chére.

Just another day on the bay...Banderas Bay.

Just another day on the bay...Banderas Bay.

Dorr Anderson's S/V Bright Star, a Jeaneau 40.

Dorr Anderson's S/V Bright Star, a Jeaneau 40.

Greg and Grahame Shannon say hello to Charissa.

Greg and Grahame Shannon say hello to Charissa.

Andy on the main sheet.

Andy on the main sheet.

Anne rests her head on the spinnaker she just doused.

Anne rests her head on the spinnaker she just doused.

"A sailing vessel is alive in a way that no ship with mechanical power ever be." --Aubrey de Selincourt

"A sailing vessel is alive in a way that no ship with mechanical power ever be." --Aubrey de Selincourt

Morning Light, a Hylas 46 owned by Jaime and Christine Tate.

Morning Light, a Hylas 46 owned by Jaime and Christine Tate.

Anne and Greg.

Anne and Greg.

Moon and the Stars out on the bay for a day sail.

Moon and the Stars out on the bay for a day sail.

Charlie trims the jib.

Charlie trims the jib.

David and Heather from Eupsychia.

David and Heather from Eupsychia.

Say hello to Bright Star!

Say hello to Bright Star!

Walt enjoys the sun on his face.

Walt enjoys the sun on his face.

Greg pulls in the chute's tack.

Greg pulls in the chute's tack.

Morning Light with a kite.

Morning Light with a kite.

Cherie and Greg.

Cherie and Greg.

Greg, the human preventer.

Greg, the human preventer.

Up your mast!

Up your mast!

A chuckle from Andy.

A chuckle from Andy.

Anne on foredeck.

Anne on foredeck.

Grahame Shannon on the chrome.

Grahame Shannon on the chrome.

Morning Light in the afternoon light.

Morning Light in the afternoon light.

Charlie on the helm.

Charlie on the helm.

"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."--Kenneth Grahame, from Wind in the Willows

"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."--Kenneth Grahame, from Wind in the Willows

Heather, to David's dismay, takes a break from grinding.

Heather, to David's dismay, takes a break from grinding.

David waves to a passing yacht.

David waves to a passing yacht.

"It is the weather, not work, that wears out sails."--Thomas Fleming Day

"It is the weather, not work, that wears out sails."--Thomas Fleming Day

Lean into the turn.

Lean into the turn.

Tiffany II, a Wyle 34.

Tiffany II, a Wyle 34.

Sherie behind the wheel.

Sherie behind the wheel.

Greg pulls on the tack line.

Greg pulls on the tack line.

Anne, from S/V Cassiopeia.

Anne, from S/V Cassiopeia.

"I start from the premise that no object created by man is as satisfying to his body and soul as a proper sailing yacht."--Arthur Beiser 1978, The Proper Yacht

"I start from the premise that no object created by man is as satisfying to his body and soul as a proper sailing yacht."--Arthur Beiser 1978, The Proper Yacht

Charlie on the bow.

Charlie on the bow.

Nina May, a Catana 431 owned by Jeff Parish.

Nina May, a Catana 431 owned by Jeff Parish.

"For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can remain on shore, paralyzed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the breeze."--Richard Bode,First You Have to Row a Little Boat

"For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can remain on shore, paralyzed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the breeze."--Richard Bode,First You Have to Row a Little Boat

Charlie with Charissa in the background.

Charlie with Charissa in the background.

Cathy and Greg.

Cathy and Greg.



"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving - we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor."--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving - we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor."--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

A smile from Linda.

A smile from Linda.

Anne watches Morning Light.

Anne watches Morning Light.

Greg can prevent anything!

Greg can prevent anything!

There's Laurie!

There's Laurie!

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."--Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."--Mark Twain

"Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made, for somewhere deep in their oaken hearts the soul of a song is laid."--Robert N. Rose

"Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made, for somewhere deep in their oaken hearts the soul of a song is laid."--Robert N. Rose