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"Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer." -- Muhammad Ali

401--Mexico: Cabo San Lucas
@ CherieSpotting     Nov 13 2007 - 20:25 PST
cherie writes: Captain Mike (a retired United Airlines Captain), Greg and I are rocking and rolling (literally!)in Cabo San Lucas on Mike's 50-ft Maple Leaf named Snow Goose!

We're all one big happy family here on Snow Goose, which was named because Snow Goose mate for life (and Mike will have this boat for as long as they both shall live.)

Yesterday our crew had its first little miscommunication. Greg and I hopped aboard a panga to go see "land's end". We arranged to meet Captain Mike in shore at "the Office". Of course, "the Office" is a beach bar directly in front of where we are anchored.

Read Complete Baja Ha-Ha Story.

After 4-beers of waiting, Greg and I gave up on Mike. Later we learned that Mike was waiting for us at the Marina Office. (And I do my damnedest to stay away from that place.)

The Snow Goose crew is all clear now that future meeting points will be at bars where the person waiting can keep themselves occupied with a cold "cerveza." No worries though, we found Mike at another bar. Cabo isnĀ“t big enough to get lost.

We've been gorging ourselves on $1 fish-tacos and yesterday Greg had two lobster tails for $9. The waiter added: "If you buy the cook a drink, he might give you a bigger lobster."

For the donation of a Mexican malted-beverage, Greg got a plate of lobster. Only in Mexico!

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Cherie and Greg celebrate being back in Cabo San Lucas, the location of their first kiss 6-years-ago.

Cherie and Greg celebrate being back in Cabo San Lucas, the location of their first kiss 6-years-ago.

Meet Francisco, my new alarm clock now that we are anchored off of Cabo San Lucas on a 50-ft sailboat.

Meet Francisco, my new alarm clock now that we are anchored off of Cabo San Lucas on a 50-ft sailboat.

Mexico's version of dogs that bark all night.

Mexico's version of dogs that bark all night.

A cool Cabo cave.

A cool Cabo cave.

The famous arch of Cabo San Lucas.

The famous arch of Cabo San Lucas.

Just here for a quick fly-in.

Just here for a quick fly-in.

It's frigate mating time.

It's frigate mating time.

Mexican turkeys.

Mexican turkeys.

Betsy and Bob by the arch, they still came to Cabo even though their home was just burned to the ground in the recent San Deigo fires.

Betsy and Bob by the arch, they still came to Cabo even though their home was just burned to the ground in the recent San Deigo fires.

Ready for a swim?  The water is perfect!

Ready for a swim? The water is perfect!

Now there's a secluded beach.

Now there's a secluded beach.

Kayakers near Land's End.

Kayakers near Land's End.

Not the Golden Arches.

Not the Golden Arches.

We're anchored in front of Mangoes on the beach.

We're anchored in front of Mangoes on the beach.

Just another day in Cabo.

Just another day in Cabo.

Mike grills up a trio of steaks on the boat's BBQ at sunset.

Mike grills up a trio of steaks on the boat's BBQ at sunset.

A peaceful sunset in Cabo.

A peaceful sunset in Cabo.

Cherie and Hallie.

Cherie and Hallie.

Some of the crew of Blind Luck, a 50-ft trimaran.

Some of the crew of Blind Luck, a 50-ft trimaran.

Lynn, from Wahoo, gets the award for catching the biggest fish.

Lynn, from Wahoo, gets the award for catching the biggest fish.

Mike and Greg are awarded 2nd place for their finish in the Kilo Division on the 2007 Baja Ha-Ha.

Mike and Greg are awarded 2nd place for their finish in the Kilo Division on the 2007 Baja Ha-Ha.

Mike finally learning how to relax.

Mike finally learning how to relax.

Greg 'working' in his 'office' on Snow Goose.

Greg 'working' in his 'office' on Snow Goose.

Bob and Greg check out a glass-bottom boat.

Bob and Greg check out a glass-bottom boat.

Another magnificent Cabo sky.

Another magnificent Cabo sky.

Let's go explore a new beach.

Let's go explore a new beach.

Oops! Someone else found our beach first!

Oops! Someone else found our beach first!

A wave from Mark on Moontide.

A wave from Mark on Moontide.

The 2007 Baja Ha-Ha crew on Moontide.

The 2007 Baja Ha-Ha crew on Moontide.

Lynn from Wahoo, the only poweboat on the 2007 Baja Ha-Ha.

Lynn from Wahoo, the only poweboat on the 2007 Baja Ha-Ha.

A few of the ladies that were stranded at Bahia Santa Maria during the Ha-Ha.

A few of the ladies that were stranded at Bahia Santa Maria during the Ha-Ha.

Richard honors a few of the female captains of the 2007 Baja Ha-Ha.

Richard honors a few of the female captains of the 2007 Baja Ha-Ha.

Richard with the staff at Mangoes.

Richard with the staff at Mangoes.

Greg relaxing at the Crazy Lobster.

Greg relaxing at the Crazy Lobster.

The Giggling Marlin, a Cabo icon.

The Giggling Marlin, a Cabo icon.

El Squid Roe.

El Squid Roe.

El Squid Roe, site of the unofficial Ha-Ha party.

El Squid Roe, site of the unofficial Ha-Ha party.

An ultra-light flies over Snow Goose.

An ultra-light flies over Snow Goose.

Cherie enjoys the final moments of light on the deck of Snow Goose.

Cherie enjoys the final moments of light on the deck of Snow Goose.

A sliver of moon over Cabo San Lucas.

A sliver of moon over Cabo San Lucas.

Bill Lilly at the helm of Moontide.

Bill Lilly at the helm of Moontide.