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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Don't plan it all. Let life surprise you a little." -- Julia Alvarez

359--Idaho: Ironman Triathlon in Coeur d'Alene
@ CherieSpotting     Jul 13 2006 - 15:24 PST
Cherie writes: The Ironman triathlon brings together the world’s premiere elite athletes (like my roommates Kevin and Justin) to push their bodies to their ultimate physical limits. Kevin, Justin and Chris braved the heat and the grueling physical demands of the 2.4 mile swim, a 112-mile bike and to top it off--a marathon. See these inspirational photos as my roommates cross the finish-line and accomplish their incredible life goals.

The top three finishers were Joanna Zeiger, Heather Gollnick and Kate Major. The female pro triathletes were competing for a $50,000 purse. Chris Hauth, the former German Olympic swimmer, won the overall men’s race. But the day wasn’t about the strongest and the fastest. It was a joy to watch each person with their own unique story, race to glory.

For example, Major David Rozelle completed the Coeur d'Alene Ironman with one foot. Major Rozelle’s foot was amputated after an injury sustained when his vehicle stuck a landmine in Iraq. Determined to remain active, Rozelle is the first American amputee to return to duty. After completing his first Ironman, Major Rozelle (34) is ready for his next trip—to the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii.

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Cherie wears an Ironman tattoo to support her friends (Kevin, Justin & Chris) competing in the Coeur d'Alene Ironman in Idaho.

Cherie wears an Ironman tattoo to support her friends (Kevin, Justin & Chris) competing in the Coeur d'Alene Ironman in Idaho.

Justin dyes his hair bright blue so he's easy to spot during the race.

Justin dyes his hair bright blue so he's easy to spot during the race.

Justin is ready to race.

Justin is ready to race.

You know you are close friends when you can shave each other's legs.

You know you are close friends when you can shave each other's legs.

Before and after.

Before and after.

Smooth legs lead to a smooth victory.

Smooth legs lead to a smooth victory.

The girls are ready with their signs.

The girls are ready with their signs.

Millions of dollars of bikes waiting for their Ironman owners.

Millions of dollars of bikes waiting for their Ironman owners.

It's not the bike that wins the's the "engine" powering it.

It's not the bike that wins the's the "engine" powering it.

Welcome to the Ford Ironman.

Welcome to the Ford Ironman.

Guess how many water bottles are in this Ford?

Guess how many water bottles are in this Ford?

The twins are ready to cheer and shout!

The twins are ready to cheer and shout!

Kevin becomes a canvas and gets all marked up.

Kevin becomes a canvas and gets all marked up.

How come they're writing 740 on 3706?

How come they're writing 740 on 3706?

At least this "tattoo" is removable.

At least this "tattoo" is removable.

Justin and Kevin are still smiling because the agony of the day has yet to begin.

Justin and Kevin are still smiling because the agony of the day has yet to begin.

Notice Justin's age (34) written on the back of his calf.

Notice Justin's age (34) written on the back of his calf.

Slipping into wetsuits.

Slipping into wetsuits.

Ready to get wet, Justin?

Ready to get wet, Justin?

Chris and Jenny.

Chris and Jenny.

Chris, Kevin and Justin ready to complete the Ironman.

Chris, Kevin and Justin ready to complete the Ironman.

Roommates Justin, Cherie and Kevin.

Roommates Justin, Cherie and Kevin.

A hug of inspiration.

A hug of inspiration.

Waiting for the starting gun.

Waiting for the starting gun.

Floating race-support.

Floating race-support.

Hilda reminds the racers that "pain is temporary."

Hilda reminds the racers that "pain is temporary."

Swimmers crowd the lakeshore.

Swimmers crowd the lakeshore.

Spectators crowd the stands.

Spectators crowd the stands.

Everyone pauses as the National Anthem is sung.

Everyone pauses as the National Anthem is sung.

Safety first...don't bang your head!

Safety first...don't bang your head!

The athletes darn their goggles.

The athletes darn their goggles.

And they're off!

And they're off!

The peaceful lake is suddenly filled with the splash of almost 2000 Ironman triathletes.

The peaceful lake is suddenly filled with the splash of almost 2000 Ironman triathletes.

Swimmers complete 2 laps around the lake for a total of 2.4 miles.

Swimmers complete 2 laps around the lake for a total of 2.4 miles.

Is the lake cool and refreshing or downright cold and miserable?  It depends on which athlete you ask.

Is the lake cool and refreshing or downright cold and miserable? It depends on which athlete you ask.

The first swimmers splash out of the water.

The first swimmers splash out of the water.

Ironmen heading for shore.

Ironmen heading for shore.

Ready to transition to the bike?

Ready to transition to the bike?

In a race that can last up to 17 hours...every second counts.

In a race that can last up to 17 hours...every second counts.

Kevin has an impressive swim time.

Kevin has an impressive swim time.

Swimmers keep flooding in.

Swimmers keep flooding in.

The family advises: Slow and Steady.

The family advises: Slow and Steady.

The 112-mile bike begins.

The 112-mile bike begins.

Justin races by like a flash.

Justin races by like a flash.

Crowds gather along the bike route and root for the racers.

Crowds gather along the bike route and root for the racers.

Diane yells: "Rock on!"

Diane yells: "Rock on!"

The Ironman is an individual sport.  No drafting allowed.

The Ironman is an individual sport. No drafting allowed.

112-miles is a lot of time in the saddle.

112-miles is a lot of time in the saddle.

Ironman is about commitment, hydration and endurance (and getting the "free" finisher t-shirt at the end.)

Ironman is about commitment, hydration and endurance (and getting the "free" finisher t-shirt at the end.)

What would we do without close friends to stand by us when we push our bodies to the limit?

What would we do without close friends to stand by us when we push our bodies to the limit?

Thirsty?  Anyone want a Mocha-Freeze or Rootbeer Float?

Thirsty? Anyone want a Mocha-Freeze or Rootbeer Float?

How about a beer from the Coeur d'Alene Brewing Company?

How about a beer from the Coeur d'Alene Brewing Company?

Serious speed.

Serious speed.

The ladies take a much needed "beer break" as the men pedal on.

The ladies take a much needed "beer break" as the men pedal on.

As the day heats up the Ironmen push harder.

As the day heats up the Ironmen push harder.

Sometimes it seems like life is always uphill.

Sometimes it seems like life is always uphill.

The pint-sized cheering section.

The pint-sized cheering section.

Rollin', rollin', rollin'.

Rollin', rollin', rollin'.

Pump it up.

Pump it up.

Cyclists out in force.

Cyclists out in force.

Kevin gives his fans a smile.

Kevin gives his fans a smile.

Family is always there for you.

Family is always there for you.

All this for a T-shirt?

All this for a T-shirt?

Special needs bags wait for the cyclists.

Special needs bags wait for the cyclists.

Bikers race by in a blur.

Bikers race by in a blur.

The final push into the transition area.

The final push into the transition area.

Keep on pedaling.

Keep on pedaling.

A smile from Jenny.

A smile from Jenny.

Justin is still going strong.

Justin is still going strong.

Dave cheers his buddies on.

Dave cheers his buddies on.

An interview with an old Ironman champ.

An interview with an old Ironman champ.

Watch out for the girl in pink!

Watch out for the girl in pink!

Kehr is looking strong.  Just run a marathon and then you're done.

Kehr is looking strong. Just run a marathon and then you're done.

The winner!

The winner!

Hauth--the first male through the finish line.

Hauth--the first male through the finish line.

Kelly #708.

Kelly #708.

Managing the pain.

Managing the pain.

Diane asks the hard-hitting questions.

Diane asks the hard-hitting questions.

Kevin waves hello.

Kevin waves hello.

There goes Kevin...he's looking strong.

There goes Kevin...he's looking strong.

At this's time to check the beer tally.

At this's time to check the beer tally.

Here comes Justin.

Here comes Justin.

Kevin holds up in the immense heat.

Kevin holds up in the immense heat.

You are a finisher!

You are a finisher!

What would we do without the fans?

What would we do without the fans?

There's Justin, the two-time Ironman finisher.

There's Justin, the two-time Ironman finisher.

Hilda, Cherie and Diane offer the runners moral support.

Hilda, Cherie and Diane offer the runners moral support.

Ironman fan.

Ironman fan.

Crowds gather at the finish line.

Crowds gather at the finish line.

The final stretch.

The final stretch.

Diane and Hilda.

Diane and Hilda.

Families join their Ironmen for the last few steps of the race.

Families join their Ironmen for the last few steps of the race.

A high-five from the kids.

A high-five from the kids.

Kevin looks like he's floating on air the last 100-yards of the race.

Kevin looks like he's floating on air the last 100-yards of the race.

Now that's the smile of a finisher.

Now that's the smile of a finisher.

Hilda and Cherie.

Hilda and Cherie.

No one does this alone.

No one does this alone.

Crossing the finish line in a cowboy hat.

Crossing the finish line in a cowboy hat.

The last few steps are a joy for Chris.

The last few steps are a joy for Chris.

Justin's so fast he's a blur.

Justin's so fast he's a blur.

The winners celebrate their victory with champagne.

The winners celebrate their victory with champagne.

Who wants a champagne shower?

Who wants a champagne shower?

The smiles of champions.

The smiles of champions.

Kevin stays warm after the race.

Kevin stays warm after the race.

Hilda, Justin and Diane.

Hilda, Justin and Diane.

Cherie and Kevin.

Cherie and Kevin.

The medal winners.

The medal winners.

Jenny & Chris.

Jenny & Chris.