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"People who don´t have much are capable of stunning generosity. " -- Kevin Fattor

322--Nevada: Burning Man 2005, Lessons Learned.
@ CherieSpotting     Sep 20 2005 - 08:46 PST
cherie writes: Top 30 Lessons Learned at Burning Man 2005
1. Never climb a tower in platform boots and a prom dress.
2. Don't use the bathroom if the guy that just went in has crabs.
3. Never handle a stuffed-animal unless you know where it has been.
4. Always follow the doctor's orders.
5. If someone asks you if you want Tri Tip and a beer bong, say "yes".
6. Adding water to a slip-and-slide in the desert does not make the ground any softer.
7. Mirrors do lie.
8. Being lost can be a good thing.
9. If the course description says: Advanced Pole-Dancing, believe it.
10. Keep your clothes handy in case a monster attacks your camp.

11. Never give a chef advice about cooking.
12. You don't have to be gay to like gay-porn.
13. If you break your boobs at Burning Man, don't worry, you can get a cast.
14. Don’t make bacon if you are wearing a vinyl dress.
15. No matter what you do, some guys will never look you in the eyes.
16. Don't let male cops wearing skirts spank you.
17. No matter what your friend says, never apply super-glue to your breasts.
18. Don't lock yourself in a glass box in the desert for a week.
19. Don't forget your batteries if you go for an Audio Playa Art Tour.
20. All sweets are not fattening.
21. Don't try to ride a bike in thigh-high platform boots.
22. It's not silly to believe in Santa Claus.
23. What comes after the words: “We need to talk” isn’t always bad.
24. You can never have enough Q-tips when you are camping.
25. Real men take foot-baths.
26. Just because you are alone, doesn't mean you are lonely.
27. Some things really are free.
28. You won't get a ticket for "drinking in public" if you are wearing a Cookie Monster.
29. It is possible (and delicious) to consume bacon at every meal.
30. Glow-sticks keep friends together.

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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The First Lesson I learned at Burning Man 2005: Never climb a tower in platform boots and a prom dress. *Photo by Margaret.

The First Lesson I learned at Burning Man 2005: Never climb a tower in platform boots and a prom dress. *Photo by Margaret.

Don't use the bathroom if the guy that just went in has crabs.

Don't use the bathroom if the guy that just went in has crabs.

Never handle a stuffed-animal unless you know where it has been.

Never handle a stuffed-animal unless you know where it has been.

Always follow the doctors orders.

Always follow the doctors orders.

If someone asks you if you want Tri Tip and a beer bong, say "yes".

If someone asks you if you want Tri Tip and a beer bong, say "yes".

Adding water to a slip-and-slide in the desert does not make the ground any softer.

Adding water to a slip-and-slide in the desert does not make the ground any softer.

Mirrors do lie.

Mirrors do lie.

Being lost can be a good thing.

Being lost can be a good thing.

If the course description says: Advanced Pole-Dancing, believe it.

If the course description says: Advanced Pole-Dancing, believe it.

Keep your clothes handy in case a monster attacks your camp.

Keep your clothes handy in case a monster attacks your camp.

Never give a chef advice about cooking.

Never give a chef advice about cooking.

You don't have to be gay to like gay-porn.

You don't have to be gay to like gay-porn.

If you break your boobs at Burning Man, don't worry, you can get a cast.

If you break your boobs at Burning Man, don't worry, you can get a cast.

Don’t make bacon if you are wearing a vinyl dress.

Don’t make bacon if you are wearing a vinyl dress.

No matter what you do, some guys will never look you in the eyes.

No matter what you do, some guys will never look you in the eyes.

Don't let male cops wearing skirts spank you.

Don't let male cops wearing skirts spank you.

No matter what your friend says, never apply super-glue to your breasts.

No matter what your friend says, never apply super-glue to your breasts.

Don't lock yourself in a glass box in the desert for a week.

Don't lock yourself in a glass box in the desert for a week.

Don't forget your batteries if you go for an Audio Playa Art Tour.

Don't forget your batteries if you go for an Audio Playa Art Tour.

All sweets are not fattening.

All sweets are not fattening.

Don't try to ride a bike in thigh-high platform boots.

Don't try to ride a bike in thigh-high platform boots.

It's not silly to believe in Santa Claus.

It's not silly to believe in Santa Claus.

What comes after the words: “We need to talk” isn’t always bad.

What comes after the words: “We need to talk” isn’t always bad.

You can never have enough Q-tips when you are camping.

You can never have enough Q-tips when you are camping.

Real men take foot-baths.

Real men take foot-baths.

Just because you are alone, doesn't mean you are lonely.

Just because you are alone, doesn't mean you are lonely.

Some things really are free.

Some things really are free.

You won't get a ticket for "drinking in public" if you are wearing a Cookie Monster.

You won't get a ticket for "drinking in public" if you are wearing a Cookie Monster.

It is possible (and delicious) to consume bacon at every meal.  (Especially at Camp Bacon!)

It is possible (and delicious) to consume bacon at every meal. (Especially at Camp Bacon!)

Glow-sticks keep friends together. *Photo by Margaret.

Glow-sticks keep friends together. *Photo by Margaret.