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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Heaven is where: the police are British, the cooks are Italian, the mechanics are German, the lovers are French, and it is all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where: the chefs are British, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, the police are German, and it is all organized by the Italians." -- T-shirt in Tortola, British Virgin Islands

302--Thailand: Beauty in Butterflies, Orchids, Silk & Parasols
@ CherieSpotting     Jul 12 2005 - 08:58 PST
cherie writes: Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross put it another way: “People are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light within.”

Some people find beauty in the wild wings of a butterfly or nature’s most glorious parasite—the orchid. Others find beauty in man’s ability to create beauty from nature; the ability to turn a shaft of bamboo into a graceful umbrella, or a cocoon of silk into a fabulous dress. You make beautiful what you love.

In Thailand, we explored beauty in many dimensions: from orchids to butterflies, from silk to parasols. Here are my photos.

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Cherie tucked in the colorful shade of hand-made bamboo parasols.

Cherie tucked in the colorful shade of hand-made bamboo parasols.

How to make a paper umbrella: first, you make the paper.

How to make a paper umbrella: first, you make the paper.

Then you darn a mask and try not to swallow too many wood chips.

Then you darn a mask and try not to swallow too many wood chips.

The parasol assembly line.  Ford would be so proud.

The parasol assembly line. Ford would be so proud.

Making umbrellas is considered an art form in Thailand.

Making umbrellas is considered an art form in Thailand.

Always be nice to the lady with a big hatchet.

Always be nice to the lady with a big hatchet.

Umbrellas so beautiful, you don't want to use them in the rain.

Umbrellas so beautiful, you don't want to use them in the rain.

Freshly made umbrellas drying on the lawn.

Freshly made umbrellas drying on the lawn.

Diane, Cherie and Hilda.

Diane, Cherie and Hilda.

Paying homage to the umbrella man.

Paying homage to the umbrella man.

I hope this doesn't turn into a parasol sweat-shop.

I hope this doesn't turn into a parasol sweat-shop.

A splash of color to repel the splash of raindrops.

A splash of color to repel the splash of raindrops.

Hilda admires the art.

Hilda admires the art.

You could toss one of these umbrellas in a giant-sized fruity drink.

You could toss one of these umbrellas in a giant-sized fruity drink.

Keeping alive old traditions.

Keeping alive old traditions.

Like all art, it all comes down to details.

Like all art, it all comes down to details.

With these umbrellas, you are protected from the elements by art.

With these umbrellas, you are protected from the elements by art.

From umbrella art to nature's art.  We explore an orchid garden swarming with butterflies.

From umbrella art to nature's art. We explore an orchid garden swarming with butterflies.

Peaceful tranquiltiy.

Peaceful tranquiltiy.

The black butterfly.

The black butterfly.

She's a tiger.

She's a tiger.

The butterfly is so close it can sense the pulse of Hannah's beating eyelashes.

The butterfly is so close it can sense the pulse of Hannah's beating eyelashes.

The orchid.

The orchid.

Caught it the act!  A photo of butterflies mating.

Caught it the act! A photo of butterflies mating.

The beauty of life's miracles.

The beauty of life's miracles.

Butterfly in a Hibiscus.

Butterfly in a Hibiscus.

Amanda with a butterfly.

Amanda with a butterfly.

Silk worms, up close.

Silk worms, up close.

A silk-maker grabs a cocoon of silk.

A silk-maker grabs a cocoon of silk.

She gently teases the silk into a strand.

She gently teases the silk into a strand.

Weaving raw silk into fabric.

Weaving raw silk into fabric.

It takes a long time to make silk the old-fashioned way.

It takes a long time to make silk the old-fashioned way.

The secret of silk was China's best kept secret for 3000 years.

The secret of silk was China's best kept secret for 3000 years.



Diane and Leighton wait by our Thai transportation.

Diane and Leighton wait by our Thai transportation.

Soup break.  The twins like soup.

Soup break. The twins like soup.

Back on stage, the girls sing!

Back on stage, the girls sing!

Diane and Leighton perform a duet.

Diane and Leighton perform a duet.

Real travelers pack light.

Real travelers pack light.