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"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -- Albert Einstein

Cherie's Favorite Books
@ Book & Movie Reviews     Jun 30 2003 - 10:04 PST
I adore books that give the reader a glimpse of another world, the passions and pains of another life.  I devour books, inhale their characters, and for a moment, see the world from the intimacy of another's perspective.

I adore books that give the reader a glimpse of another world, the passions and pains of another life. I devour books, inhale their characters, and for a moment, see the world from the intimacy of another's perspective.

cherie writes: I have a passion for books.

"Reading was my escape and my comfort, my consolation, my stimulant of choice: reading for the pure pleasure of it, for the beautiful stillness that surrounds you when you hear an author's words reverberating in your head."--Paul Auster.

"Through the use of books, I had the whole world at my feet, could travel anywhere, meet anyone, and do anything."--Benjamin Carson.

"In every work of genius, we recognize our own rejected thoughts; they come back to us with a certain alienated majesty."--Ralph Waldo Emerson

"A great book should leave you...slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading it."--William Styron

"The best moments in reading are when you come across something--a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things--which you had thought unique and particular to you. Now here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours."--Alan Bennett

Here is a list of some of my favorites and a list of what I am currently reading.

Cherie’s Favorite Books:
Beloved by Toni Morrison
The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
The Art of Travel by Alain de Botton
The Alchemist: a Fable about Following Your Dream by Paulo Coelho
Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho
In the Time of Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

Books read in 2009:
On the Road by Jack Kerouac--OK
Empire Falls by Richard Russo--Good
Midnights with the Mystic, a Little Guide to Freedom and Bliss
By Cheryl Simone and Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev--Interesting

Books read in 2008:
Lord of the Flies by William Golding--Classic
The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett--Good
Bel Canto by Ann Patchett--Very good
Absurdistan by Gary Shteyngart--Great
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde--Classic, Great
Evening by Susan Minot--Skip it
The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai--OK
The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields--Good
A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon--OK
A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson--Great
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins--Interesting
The Valkyries by Paulo Coelho--OK
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson--Great
The Devil and Miss Prym by Paul Coelho--Good
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes--Great, Classic
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson--skip it
The Darwin Conspiracy by John Darnton--OK beach read
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls--Very Good
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle--Great
Travels by Michael Crichton--Liked it.
Cast Away by Lucy Irvine--Good beach book.
A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry--Amazing read
Piano Tuner by Daniel Mason—skip it
The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Books read in 2007:
Wind, Sand and Stars by Antonine de Saint-Exupery--Wonderful
Chasing the Wind, the Autobiography of Steve Fossett--OK, Interesting
Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris--Good, Funny, Quick
Dry: A Memoir by Augusten Burroughs--Good
The Wild Muir: 22 of John Muir's Greatest Adventures--OK
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert--Great!
Cannery Row by John Steinbeck--Great, Classic
Ya-Yas in Bloom by Rebecca Wells--Good
Little Altars Everywhere by Rebecca Wells--Very Good
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer--Very Good
Fall on Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonal--Great
Sand in My Bra and Other Misadventures, edited by Jennifer L Leo
The Life of Hunger by Amelie Nothomb
Loving Sabotage by Amelie Nothomb
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex by Nathaniel Philbrick
Holy Cow: An Indian Adventure by Sarah MacDonald
Sweet Thursday by John Steinbeck
Green Hills of Africa by Ernest Hemingway
Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer
Everett Ruess: A Vagabond for Beauty by W.L. Rusho

Books read in 2006:
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer--Loved it!
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy--A MUST READ classic
The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells--Very Good
Back When We Were Grownups by Anne Tyler--Good
You, on a Diet by Roizen & Oz--Great & informative
Ladder of Years by Anne Tyler--Good
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote--Great
When You're Falling, Dive by Cheri Huber--Great
Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik--Good "beach read"
Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton--Great
Deception Point by Dan Brown--Quick beach read
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd--Very Good
Girl with a Pearl Earring--Tracy Chevalier--Very Good
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides--OK
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini--Good
Four Letters of Love by Niall Williams--Good
The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe--Fair
A Dangerous Woman by Mary McGary Morris--readable but strange & disturbing

Books read in 2005:
You, the Owner's Manual by Roizen & Oz--Great & informative
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith--Classic
Adrift by Steven Callahan--Great story of survival at sea
The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff--Great, simple classic wisdom
The Life of Pi by Yann Martel--Great
Burmese Days by George Orwell--Good
10,000 Lovers by Edeet Ravel--OK
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway--Classic
The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz (re-read)--Great
The Girls’ Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank--Very Good, quick read
Personal Velocity by Rebecca Miller--OK
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck--A classic, must read
Getting a Life by Helen Simpson--Skip it
In the Time of Butterflies by Julia Alvarez--Loved it
Conversations with God, Book 1 by Neale Donald Walsch--Great
Conversations with God, Book 2 by Neale Donald Walsch--OK
The Ultimate Weight Solution by Dr. Phil McGraw--Very Good
Mile Zero by Thomas Sanchez--OK
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown--Great beach book
Angels & Demons by Dan Brown--Great beach book
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger--I didn't like the characters, they were too cliche, stereotypical, and didn't have integrity.
Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi--OK, but didn't realize its potential.
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg--Very Good
Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss--his best work
Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell--Classic simple wisdom
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald--a classic, must read
Now is the Time to Open your Heart by Alice Walker--OK, not Walker's best
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran--amazing, Must Read!
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck--Classic
The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver--very good
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares--Good beach book

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