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Cherie and Ted, the King of the white trash movement. Ted convinced his trashy friends (which I'm proud to be one of) into pulling his monster truck for the entire 7-mile race. Hilda always liked guys with mullets. You mean we have to push this thing the entire way? The photo shoot. Hickies and lipstick on the teeth...very sexy. Diane on Ted's monster truck. Corn dog anyone? The ladies in red. Ted's gang of white trash with their Monster Truck loaded down with 5 kegs! Zero to Naked in 6.2 beers. Why waste money on clothes? Look at that big muscle. He shows it to everyone. Joe having a conversation with a guy on the pot. How many pooh poohs can you take in 7-miles? Just enough peace and solitude to get a little reading done. The Pope's give us their blessing! Michael Jackson showed up! The monster truck just keeps rolling down the street. Save water...drink beer! This white trasher brought his imported bride. Those fringe tops never went out of style. Yer Mom's name goes here. More Whiskey Tango! The twins with their blow up pig. Ted with his "chops." Every year the salmon "run" upstream. They are going so fast--they must be eager to spawn! For the salmon, it's an uphill battle. Who is getting married? Ever try to race in a wedding dress? It takes all types. I've always wanted my own personal trainer. Elvis, and all his personalities, showed up to run (and sing!) It's her first time doing the Bay to Breaker Race. There goes Ted's monster truck. The smurfs are having a smurfy good time. Here come the racers! Paul and Joe...nothing says "white trash" like a 40. Who says size doesn't count. Only in San Francisco. Who needs a shot? That's one way to drink tequila. A twin sandwhich. The booze-hounds. Go Gumby! Shake your green thing! He wants her autograph. Evidence. Paul and Joe. Everywhere you look...people! Trashy, crazy, painted people. The mini-coopers. Don't you cook your chicken with beer? Ladies, what happened? Batman! Yes, their hair is natural. A couple of white trash chicks just hangin' by a monster truck. Pope Runner-Ups. Big hair, if you dare. A double-fisted kiss. It's hard to drink with buck-teeth. Hilda and her beer. Everyone loves a parade. I think he likes that. Cherie by the monster truck. Don't run over Paul! I think Paul's enjoying it. How'd he do 7-miles in those heels. Moon-walker. That feels good! Silver is in. Or maybe it's gold. Roller-skating. At least his tie matches. Arrr, pirates! What's that under their kilts? Just clowning around. He really loves his flamingo. Diane waves from the monster truck. That beer is bigger than my head! Ooops. Paul slipped. Now he's trashy and dirty. Cherie and Paul. Paul & I traveled to all 50 states together in 1994 after graduating from UCLA. Even the paramedics race. The dog wants a kiss. This 7-mile race is more like a parade. Hilda makes her mark. Playing with bubbles. Bands line the streets and cheer the "runners" on. Walk on and rock on! Beware of sharks. Shake it, baby, shake it. More white trash than you can shake a stick at. I had to ask. She's a parrot. White chicks with black eyes. Joe sippin' his brewski. High alert. I think there is trash in the vicinity. Just one more kiss! Not that kind of Kiss! Click on each picture to see it full size.
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