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"Without faith you can't see a miracle; you just see unexplained events." -- Tim Ward
236--California: ALYC Sundowner Sailing
@ CherieSpotting
Sep 15 2004 - 11:02 PST |
 This crew knows how to have fun in the California sun! How do you spend your Monday nights? |  The gang's all here! Let's sail away! |  You lean this way, I'll lean that way. |
 The trim looks good! |  The ladies. |  Yachts gleaming in the sun. |
 Phil. |  Lee on the bow. |  Buddy, the bartender. |
 The hard-working crew slaving away as the sun sets. |  A wave from "Violetta." |  Julie. |
 3 more inches and we need to tack. |  Skipper Mark Duranty. |  A smile from Richard. |
 Beth on "Magic." |  Let's sail until we reach the horizon. |  A drink from Buddy. |
 Beautiful lines. |  Karem, Elizabeth and Julie. |  Phil sails with 2 fingers. |
 Richard & Elizabeth. |  David with "the Ohio boys." |  Lee. |
 Cherie and Karem. |  Sailing on "Electre." |  Waving hello! |
 Elizabeth and Phil. |  The sailing beast. |  Who is having fun here? |
 That way to the finish line. |  Kim. |  More smiles. |
 Phil and "Engage." |  Lee looking back. |  Cloyce on deck. |
 "Hobo Flats." |  Phil, Mark and Lauri. |  Putting the sail away after another great summer of sailing. |
cherie writes: This summer 31 PHRF-rated yachts competed in ALYC’s “Sundowner Series.” After 20 weeks of sailing, 1st place went to “Violetta De La Mare” in PHRF Division A. Bob Dodds took 2nd on “Whisper,” “Engage” took 3rd, “Hobo Flats” took 4th and our crew on “Electre” took 5th.
“Electre” skipper Mark Duranty was satisfied with the crew’s 5th place finish (after a few Whiskeys.)
“With a light crew of 19, we ended the season just like we started—with a whole lot of fun,” said Mark.
When the horn sounded for the last boat finishing the race most sailors were cheerful. But for some, there was a tinge of sadness in the air—the same sadness one feels when anything meaningful comes to an end. September 13th may have been the last Monday night race this year—but the 2004 sailing season is far from over.
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