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Cherie does the 7-mile Bay-to-Breakers race through the streets of San Francisco on May 16, 2004. Madame Cotton Candy (Michelle) and her martian posse. Balloon-man beats up astronaut. Except for the guns, these martians seem pretty friendly! Martian in training. The rocket ship (fueled by 5 kegs) prepares to depart. Who says ladies can't look good in briefs? Professional runners must always stretch before a big race. Chris wouldn't let me photograph her in "downward dog." Now there's a handy pocket for your cel phone! He's got music on the brain. The important thing to ask yourself with a running outfit is...does it give me enough support? Where's the fire? Who let the dog out? All that in one mile? Does Dali live here? 60,000 people walked, ran and stumbled through the streets of San Francisco on May 16th. Martian King with his ladies. Marching down the street with the rocket. Baby, you're a star! The bubble boys! Make room for the rocket. These guys are a bit fruity. Pink is in. Salmon "swimming" upstream. Mardi Gras...what will you do for a bead necklace? Reason 97 not to give a hose to a 3-year-old. Anyone need a shower? She who has the hose, has the power. Bay-to-Breakers Race 2004. Crazy and colorful San Francisco. He's just a bill. Flamingo girls. A flock of pink flamingoes. Who knew walking through a city could be so much fun? Is George Bush listening? Just another 7-mile race? Lisa, Cherie and Chris. Super-powers! Elvis lives...reincarnated several times. The "Gropenator" gets all the girls. The "Gropenator" loves to grope. If you don't get groped...beware of the octopus people. Darla, Jenn, Mike and Shannan. Darla smiles. Precious Shannan. Jenn, Mike, Shannan, Cherie and Greg. A boat floating on a sea of runners. A daddy and a daughter. Who are you looking at? The ladies. Cherie gets a bear hug. My that's a big banana. How to drink a beer upside-down. Bondage smurfs. What's your wish? Does that mean one wish per genie? That flower talks and waves. Excuse me, can I used your mirrored-glasses to apply my lipskick? Anyone need a meditation card? He's just a big baby. My mom always said I hung out with the "wrong" crowd. Janet and Michael Jackson. Guess who is the groom? She has her medical team on hand...just in case. What an incredible hulk! Jenn, Cherie and Chris. Dancing down the street. 7-miles of pure, sweaty fun. Elvis saves. The pirates have invaded. Cherie and Mark. These lobsters don't need sunscreen. Look at those feathers! Blondes having fun. Crossing the finish line. Notice the beer in my hand as I finish the race. You have to stay hydrated, you know. We finished with 39-minute miles. Now that's something to be proud of! Does anyone have a razor? Greg in his shirt specifically designed to be unbreathable and trap the sweat in. Sam and Allison toast to our success with their new fancy glasses. Surprise!! More friends! Jenn and Chris. Chris and Jenn, behind the window. Click on each picture to see it full size.
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