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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Heaven is where: the police are British, the cooks are Italian, the mechanics are German, the lovers are French, and it is all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where: the chefs are British, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, the police are German, and it is all organized by the Italians." -- T-shirt in Tortola, British Virgin Islands

201--Ireland: It's the Weather
@ CherieSpotting     Mar 26 2004 - 09:31 PST
cherie writes: I was sitting on the plane chatting to an Irish lass named Susan. “Do you know,” Susan asked me, “why so many people live in California?”

I love questions like that. Since Susan was born and raised in Ireland, I was eager to hear her perceptions.

“It’s the weather,” she told me. “Can you believe that someone would live in a country just for the weather?”

I thought about it for a moment and then asked her a question of my own: “Do you know why not so many people live in Ireland?” I asked Susan. “It’s the weather.”

I’ve traveled through almost 40 countries and Dublin is the most expensive city I have ever visited. A cheeseburger at TGI Friday’s costs $15 US dollars (and that’s not counting the tip!)

Walking the streets of Dublin is a treat just observing the names of the stores, cafés and pubs. You can buy a new outfit at “Hairy Legs” and then go for something healthy at “Pig & Heifer” and then splurge on a Bad Ass Irish Whiskey at the “Bad Ass Café” (where Sinead O’Connor used to work as a waitress.) Other funky named places not to miss are: Gruel, Queen of Tarts, Nude, The Eager Beaver, and Dr. Quirkey’s Good Time Emporium. One street that is full of basement nightclubs is known the: “she doesn’t understand me street.”

It’s funny, even though it is freezing and raining in Ireland, people still have stylish clothes. They just wear the latest fashions over an Aran wool sweater. It’s common to see a lad in a fleece pullover with a silk shirt buttoned over it. Stay tuned for next week’s Irish fashion statement—sweats and chiffon.

The Irish have reminded me about how lucky I am to be here because in Ireland you get all four seasons in one day. In California, you are lucky if you get all four seasons in a lifetime! (Though, the Irish are a bit confused about what “summer” means in terms of weather.)

One morning, I glanced out the window to see a mess of angry clouds and decided to dress appropriately. In the time it took to climb down the stairs of my hostel the bright sun was blinding. I scampered back upstairs to retrieve my sunglasses. (I only scamper when I’m on vacation.)

By the time I marched downstairs again, it was pouring rain. A few hours later, it actually hailed. Balls of ice rained from the sky like a bad movie—Attack of the Ping Pong Balls. When I got home that night, I looked in the mirror. I was sunburned. In Ireland, like the Caribbean, you need both sunscreen and a raincoat.

They don’t employ weathermen in Ireland. The Irish have simply given up trying to guess the climate in advance. In fact, weathermen are equally useless in California. I think they are employed for the few days out of the year that when it sprinkles so they can announce the: STORM WATCH.

Brian and I walked home from the pub and we passed a tanning salon. “I actually understand the need for tanning salons in Ireland,” said Brian as he zipped up his jacket against the frigid wind. “But why do they have them in California?”

Brain continued his rant: “First they con us into paying for water. Then they con us into paying for the sun. Soon, we’ll have to pay for air!”

“They do have those oxygen bars in California, you know.” I added.

“I just want to scream at everyone—that shit is FREE!” Brain said.

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Cherie on a sunny, brisk Dublin day.  March is the month of the least rain in Ireland.

Cherie on a sunny, brisk Dublin day. March is the month of the least rain in Ireland.

Sinead O'Connor used to work as a waitress at the Bad Ass Cafe.

Sinead O'Connor used to work as a waitress at the Bad Ass Cafe.

Bad Ass Spirits.  When the spirits go in, the truth comes out.

Bad Ass Spirits. When the spirits go in, the truth comes out.

Brian wants to know if he has a "bad ass."

Brian wants to know if he has a "bad ass."

Cherie at "The Eager Beaver."

Cherie at "The Eager Beaver."

Dublin is a walking city.  The streets are alive with travelers from all over the world.

Dublin is a walking city. The streets are alive with travelers from all over the world.

I wonder why Brian likes to take the bus everywhere?

I wonder why Brian likes to take the bus everywhere?

A church in Dublin.

A church in Dublin.

Old, right next to new.

Old, right next to new.

O'Neill's is one of Dublin's 700 pubs.

O'Neill's is one of Dublin's 700 pubs.

Brian looks like a beaver in this shot.

Brian looks like a beaver in this shot.



Brick has a certain charm that those of us raised in Los Angeles rarely see.

Brick has a certain charm that those of us raised in Los Angeles rarely see.

The Celt.

The Celt.

This bathroom doesn't have a mirror, so you can't see what a mess the wind made of your hair.

This bathroom doesn't have a mirror, so you can't see what a mess the wind made of your hair.

This Georgian door is the most photographed door in Dublin.

This Georgian door is the most photographed door in Dublin.

What is the weather going to be like today?

What is the weather going to be like today?

Dr. Quirkey's Good Time Emporium.

Dr. Quirkey's Good Time Emporium.

The "Monument of Light" spire.

The "Monument of Light" spire.

Let there be light.

Let there be light.

Dublin cottage.

Dublin cottage.