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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Heaven is where: the police are British, the cooks are Italian, the mechanics are German, the lovers are French, and it is all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where: the chefs are British, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, the police are German, and it is all organized by the Italians." -- T-shirt in Tortola, British Virgin Islands

184--St. Croix: Beer Drinking Pigs
@ CherieSpotting     Feb 19 2004 - 13:25 PST
cherie writes: “What brings you to these parts little lady?” a St. Croix local in a cowboy hat asked me.

I blushed at the term “little lady.” Or I was already getting sunburned? It reminded me of a time in my life when I was “too mature” for such affectionate names.

At a former job, a guy named Fred used to call me “pumpkin.” Pumpkin? ‘He doesn’t respect me,’ I thought. I took myself very serious in those days. One day I told Fred flat out: “I’d prefer if you don’t call me pumpkin anymore.”

“Okay,” he said and walked away.
‘That was so easy,’ I thought. ‘Why didn’t I say that before?’
The next day Fred walked into my office and said: “Hi muffin.”

The St. Croix cowboy stuck out his hand and said: “My name’s Scooter.” Then he pulled out a business card to prove it.

I love unique names. In life, people must become at least as interesting as their names.
His harmless name also put me at ease. You can’t be an axe-murderer and be named Scooter.

“Did you come here just to see the beer drinking pigs?” Scooter asked.

“Don’t call yourself a pig,” I joked.

Scooter continued. “St. Croix is a special place. We have pigs that drink beer. Not real beer anymore. The environmentalists came in and made us change it to non-alcoholic beer. But those pigs sure love beer,” Scooter said ordering himself another one.

Scooter was speaking straight to my heart. Some people let powdery beaches and hammocks define their vacation—I look for the quirky things an island has to offer.

So the 4 Play crew: (Arjan, Luke, Phil, Mark, Lee, Joe, Erin, Dolly, and I) stuffed ourselves into Erin’s dad’s bright green station wagon. We swerved through the islands lush curvy roads and headed towards the Domino Club, home of J.J.—the 700 pound beer drinking pig.

Poor fat J.J can’t keep up with the tourists who pay $2 a beer to see him guzzle. So now Oreo helps out and downs a few beers of her own.

J.J. was sleeping when we arrived. We didn’t have the heart (or the crane) to wake him up. It made me sad to see an animal passed out, surrounded by empty beer cans. So we decided to let the pig sleep and we became beer drinking pigs ourselves.

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4 Play's crew. Top: Mark, Dolly, Lee, Phil and Arjan.  Bottom: Cherie, Erin, Luke and Joe.

4 Play's crew. Top: Mark, Dolly, Lee, Phil and Arjan. Bottom: Cherie, Erin, Luke and Joe.

Cherie and Erin on top of the Green Monster.

Cherie and Erin on top of the Green Monster.

Arjan in the back of Erin's dad's car.

Arjan in the back of Erin's dad's car.

Luke sits in the front.

Luke sits in the front.

Erin borrows her dad's car for the night.

Erin borrows her dad's car for the night.

This car has plenty of leg room (not like those Japanese imports.)

This car has plenty of leg room (not like those Japanese imports.)

Cherie and Erin on the hood.  (I hope we didn't dent it!)

Cherie and Erin on the hood. (I hope we didn't dent it!)

The Domino Club is famous for its beer drinking pigs.

The Domino Club is famous for its beer drinking pigs.

JJ, the fat beer drinking pig, falls asleep after one too many brews.

JJ, the fat beer drinking pig, falls asleep after one too many brews.

This guy is too young to drink beer!

This guy is too young to drink beer!

Dolly gives the pig a little love.

Dolly gives the pig a little love.

Cherie makes friends with Norma, the owner of the Domino Club.

Cherie makes friends with Norma, the owner of the Domino Club.

Erin makes umbrella origami with her drink decorations.

Erin makes umbrella origami with her drink decorations.

Joe almost gets clawed by a three-inch finger nail.

Joe almost gets clawed by a three-inch finger nail.

Cherie with Sharon, a friendly local.

Cherie with Sharon, a friendly local.

Fishermen repair their nets by hand.

Fishermen repair their nets by hand.

Let's get some of these!

Let's get some of these!

Adorable girl in the grocery store.

Adorable girl in the grocery store.