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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Heaven is where: the police are British, the cooks are Italian, the mechanics are German, the lovers are French, and it is all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where: the chefs are British, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, the police are German, and it is all organized by the Italians." -- T-shirt in Tortola, British Virgin Islands

138--Alaska: A Cool Vacation
@ CherieSpotting     Jul 24 2003 - 14:18 PST
cherie writes: “Do you want to go to Alaska?” I asked my boyfriend.

Greg didn’t even think before he replied. “No. It’s cold there. If I’m going on vacation, I want it to be warm.”

“We’ve done ‘paradise vacations.’ We’ve cruised through Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama and the Caribbean. I want something different, something adventurous…something raw.

“If you want something raw, eat a carrot.” Greg snapped. “You know I don’t like cold weather.”

“There is no such thing as cold weather, there is only poor clothing.” And with that I clicked on to learn about chartering a sailboat in Alaska. Men are visual creatures, so I needed some photographic aids to help me close the deal with Greg.

“Look at these incredible images on the web site! It’s light twenty hours a day in the Alaskan summertime.” I proclaimed.

“And cold 24-hours a day,” Greg mumbled.

I pulled him to the computer. “Look at all the sea-lions, whales and bears!”

“Oh my!” Greg said in his best Judy Garland impression.

“Don’t you want more adventure in your life? Are you going to let a little cold keep you from the greatest voyage of your existence? Don’t you want to wake up to the rhythmic beat of a whales fin against the sea, instead of an alarm clock? Aren’t you ready to soak your worries away in a steamy hot-spring in the middle of a forest? Let’s go to Alaska! We’ll catch our own King Salmon and have sushi right there on the bow!” (That’s a summary of my oration; it went on for hours.)

Greg shook his head and conceded: “I feel like I’m going to Alaska, but I just don’t know it yet.”

“It’s going to be amazing! If I’m wrong, you can say ‘I-told-you-so’ for the rest of our lives.” My Alaskan dream vacation was on its way to becoming a reality, the rest was just details.

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This one is going for Rick's jugular.

This one is going for Rick's jugular.

Not a bad view from the plane.

Not a bad view from the plane.

Our plane flying over the lush Alaskan greenery.

Our plane flying over the lush Alaskan greenery.

The crew of S/V Bob.

The crew of S/V Bob.

Cherie and Sue sailing with smiles.  *Photo by Dave.

Cherie and Sue sailing with smiles. *Photo by Dave.

Many of the hiking trails are only accessible by boat.  *Photo by Dave.

Many of the hiking trails are only accessible by boat. *Photo by Dave.

Bumps on a log.  *Photo by Dave.

Bumps on a log. *Photo by Dave.

Art captured on a hike.

Art captured on a hike.

That little yellow speck is Dave.

That little yellow speck is Dave.

Isabelle on Bear Watch.

Isabelle on Bear Watch.

Cherie climbs out to get a better view.

Cherie climbs out to get a better view.



Little boy fishing in a stream.

Little boy fishing in a stream.

Big boys fishing off the boat.

Big boys fishing off the boat.

Cherie can't stop fishing.

Cherie can't stop fishing.

Rick grilling up the salmon filets.

Rick grilling up the salmon filets.

Snagged another one!  *Photo by Dave.

Snagged another one! *Photo by Dave.

After our first day's catch, we feast on sushi.  *Photo by Rick.

After our first day's catch, we feast on sushi. *Photo by Rick.

Cherie and Greg.

Cherie and Greg.

Greg hiking.

Greg hiking.

Who knew Rick was a tree-hugger?

Who knew Rick was a tree-hugger?

Isabelle and Dave on deck.

Isabelle and Dave on deck.

That rock is alive with seals.

That rock is alive with seals.

The float plane dock.

The float plane dock.

Dana asks her customers to please "Leave Guns Outside."

Dana asks her customers to please "Leave Guns Outside."

A birds-eye view.

A birds-eye view.

Sue, a natural sailor.

Sue, a natural sailor.

When the sails are up, Isabelle lets the boat do all the work.

When the sails are up, Isabelle lets the boat do all the work.

Wild daisies.

Wild daisies.

Typical American....chocolate with a Diet Coke! *Photo by Rick.

Typical American....chocolate with a Diet Coke! *Photo by Rick.

Alaska from the air.

Alaska from the air.

We had a whale of a good time.

We had a whale of a good time.

Cherie and Isabelle, one goofball and one world famous sailor.

Cherie and Isabelle, one goofball and one world famous sailor.