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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Heaven is where: the police are British, the cooks are Italian, the mechanics are German, the lovers are French, and it is all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where: the chefs are British, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, the police are German, and it is all organized by the Italians." -- T-shirt in Tortola, British Virgin Islands

119--Turks & Caicos: Windsurfing Discovered
@ CherieSpotting     Feb 24 2003 - 17:33 PST
cherie writes: Turks and Caicos—Windsurfing Discovered!

Turks and Caicos are a group of 48 Caribbean Islands owned by the British. (Anytime I say “owned by the British,” you can assume that means it is very expensive. But I guess that’s the price we have to pay to listen to people with cool accents.)

Provo is the most popular island because of its gorgeous beaches. Everything in Provo has an ocean front view--from the bars and restaurants to the playgrounds and cemeteries. If you don’t like beaches-- you can enjoy yourself by visiting the world’s only Conch Farm located in Provo. I now know more than any human should know about sea-snails.

After the friendly staff gave us a tour of the “Conch Spa and Resort” where they let you touch the critters, we went to a nearby restaurant to eat the buggers! Conch Fritters for everyone!

Greg’s dad John and his wife Marsha took the one hour flight from Miami to meet us in Turks and Caicos for a long weekend. We decided to splurge and buy a “day pass” at an all inclusive nearby resort called “Beaches”. I made sure I drank my $80 (the price for each day pass) in pina coladas. (I always have to get my money’s worth.)

That $80 bucks turned out to be an investment in both fun and relaxation. It bought us breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks all day! We raced the Hobie Cats and then took windsurfing lessons. I almost considered turning pro since I seem to be able to sail out to sea with no problem. It is the “turning around” part that I couldn’t quite figure out. Then the lifeguard had to come out and save me.

“Do you need any help?” he asked as I drifted farther out into the crystal blue abyss.
“No, I’m fine.” I replied gasping for breath while gripping onto the board as if it were a life-saving device. The lifeguard revved the engine and headed back for shore!
“No No No!” I screamed!
“I thought you said you were ok?” He asked turning the boat around again.
“I thought you would insist on saving me.” I said before I clamored into his boat and he drove me back to shore dragging the windsurfing board and sail behind us.
I didn’t feel too bad because an hour later Greg had to get “saved” too.

And when we finally could eat, drink and play no more, we watched the spectacular sunset with a cold fizzy drink in the warm fizzy spa.

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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This is a very difficult trick called "standing mast with falling girl".  Incredibly, I mastered this trick in less than an hour.

This is a very difficult trick called "standing mast with falling girl". Incredibly, I mastered this trick in less than an hour.

Greg, John and Marsha at the all-inclusive resort "Beaches."

Greg, John and Marsha at the all-inclusive resort "Beaches."

Cold drinks are the perfect compliment to a warm spa.

Cold drinks are the perfect compliment to a warm spa.

That's one way to make sure your kid doesn't get lost!

That's one way to make sure your kid doesn't get lost!

John and Marsha in front of the pool.

John and Marsha in front of the pool.

This is the life!

This is the life!

Score: Raft 1, Cherie 0.

Score: Raft 1, Cherie 0.

Two pina coladas from the swim up bar.

Two pina coladas from the swim up bar.

Greg learns how to windsurf.

Greg learns how to windsurf.



If I was facing the other way, you'd be able to see my smile.

If I was facing the other way, you'd be able to see my smile.

There's my smile!

There's my smile!

Sail away, sail away, sail away....

Sail away, sail away, sail away....

It may look like a jelly-bean, but this little pink pearl (made by the Queen Conch) costs $600.

It may look like a jelly-bean, but this little pink pearl (made by the Queen Conch) costs $600.

John thought a better name for the "Conch Farm" was the "Conch Spa and Resort."

John thought a better name for the "Conch Farm" was the "Conch Spa and Resort."

Every Conch pearl is unique and the precious pearls cannot be cultured.

Every Conch pearl is unique and the precious pearls cannot be cultured.

This Conch is a toddler.  He's about 2 years old.

This Conch is a toddler. He's about 2 years old.

At the "Conch Spa" the sea-snails can live and breed without worrying about being killed by their biggest predator--man.

At the "Conch Spa" the sea-snails can live and breed without worrying about being killed by their biggest predator--man.

It's fairly easy to tell that this Conch is a male.

It's fairly easy to tell that this Conch is a male.

Cherie meets Jerry the Conch.

Cherie meets Jerry the Conch.

Cherie wants to sample the fresh Conch.

Cherie wants to sample the fresh Conch.

Provo, the most popular of the Caicos Islands.

Provo, the most popular of the Caicos Islands.

A boat loaded with goods ready to sail to Haiti.  (The guy told me he wanted to fit a few more things on board, like another car or two.)

A boat loaded with goods ready to sail to Haiti. (The guy told me he wanted to fit a few more things on board, like another car or two.)

The mast and boom are trees!

The mast and boom are trees!

I'm sure there are no safety violations on this vessel.

I'm sure there are no safety violations on this vessel.

Perhaps the Port Captain at Sapodilla Bay should consider a new filing system?

Perhaps the Port Captain at Sapodilla Bay should consider a new filing system?

I just hope our paperwork isn't at the bottom!

I just hope our paperwork isn't at the bottom!

Marsha, John, Greg and Cherie at Sapodilla Bay.

Marsha, John, Greg and Cherie at Sapodilla Bay.

One of the peaceful creamy-blue anchorages on Provo.

One of the peaceful creamy-blue anchorages on Provo.

Cherie and Greg with rocks written on by 19th century ship-wrecked sailors.

Cherie and Greg with rocks written on by 19th century ship-wrecked sailors.

Sailors pounded their names into the rocks in the 1800s.  What else do you have to do when you are ship-wrecked?

Sailors pounded their names into the rocks in the 1800s. What else do you have to do when you are ship-wrecked?

A beer sign next to a "no drinking" sign.  What next?

A beer sign next to a "no drinking" sign. What next?

The milky-blue water of Chalk Sound on Provo.

The milky-blue water of Chalk Sound on Provo.

A playground with a view.

A playground with a view.

I'm glad he found the swing with a seat.

I'm glad he found the swing with a seat.

These swings are specially designed for the babies.

These swings are specially designed for the babies.

After all these years, he finally has a view of the ocean!

After all these years, he finally has a view of the ocean!

Cemetary by the sea.

Cemetary by the sea.

The Turks and Caicos answer to Disneyland.

The Turks and Caicos answer to Disneyland.

Greg (ever the romantic) takes me to the local dump to examine this cool engine.

Greg (ever the romantic) takes me to the local dump to examine this cool engine.

Greg says he will never forget Valentine's Day again.

Greg says he will never forget Valentine's Day again.

John and Greg say its a diamond in the rough!  All it needs is a little paint!

John and Greg say its a diamond in the rough! All it needs is a little paint!