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Two classic things that just keep getting better with age! An old woman enjoying the sweetest part of her day--her ice-cream. Fathers and sons often not only share the same house, but sometimes the same room. Love expressed through the twists of metal. An old church in Trinidad. Two of the most common forms of transportation--tractors and bicylces. Kristi in a carriage, another common sight along the streets. Simple, but colorful houses line the cobbled streets of Trinidad. A cowboy on a corner. This metal grill can´t keep this father and daughter apart. Some of the poorest families drive the coolest cars. Valleys of sugar cane are surrounded by tropical palms. Friendly farmers still manage their fields the same ways their grandfathers did. A close shave. Kristi and Cherie crush the sugar cane into juice. Kristi and Cherie enjoy the fruit of their labors--a sugary drink. Greg and Cherie make beautiful music together. A boy rests by the bell of an old sugar-cane plantation tower. Greg thinks this hamburger is just too cute to eat. This billboard says: "A Better World is Possible." A maid takes a break to listen to the live music in the courtyard below. A local band. Kristi cuddles a little baby. The melodies of the Caribbean music make you feel like you´re in another world. (Or maybe it´s the rum?) Musicians take their work seriously and are genuinely appreciated. Kristi learns how to properly "shake it." Looks like the band has a new member. This little boy already knows he wants to be a guitar player when he grows up. Greg gets a "Salsa" lesson from Jorge. It is important to start practicing at an early age. Kristi and Cherie with the band. Greg never knows what to expect with Cherie and Kristi around. Cherie and a sunset. Brilliant colors are everywhere, from green bikes to blue walls. This guy might be happier if he didn´t have to sit there all day and sell cigarettes. All children wear uniforms to school. A charming brick bridge. Abstract litter. Cherie and Greg in front of the town bridge. We take coffee breaks, they take cigar breaks. The dogs are often as interesting as the people (to photograph, not to converse with.) There is always a friend nearby to help when you get a flat tire. A man brings a birthday cake home to his son. The meat market. Enough to make you want to be a vegetarian. This meat-seller only has "ears" for me. They don´t waste any parts. Why do butchers always wear white? Cherie and Kristi with Jorge in disguise. (I think he is dressed as a pirate on the way to the gym.) Three men and a bench. Sweeping the park. Proud to be keeping the parks clean. Greg gets a haircut. *Photo by Cherie Sogsti Click on each picture to see it full size.
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