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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Heaven is where: the police are British, the cooks are Italian, the mechanics are German, the lovers are French, and it is all organized by the Swiss. Hell is where: the chefs are British, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, the police are German, and it is all organized by the Italians." -- T-shirt in Tortola, British Virgin Islands

104--Florida: Sailing on Cloud Nine
@ CherieSpotting     Dec 16 2002 - 10:36 PST
cherie writes: Greg and I went sailing in Miami on John and Marsha's "Cloud Nine." Here are the picutres, with a few bonus Florida pictures!

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Cloud Nine's crew.

Cloud Nine's crew.

Getting ready for a day-sail on Cloud Nine (Greg's dad's boat.)

Getting ready for a day-sail on Cloud Nine (Greg's dad's boat.)

John, the proud Capitan of Cloud Nine.

John, the proud Capitan of Cloud Nine.

Greg's cousin Rachel and her friend Michelle.

Greg's cousin Rachel and her friend Michelle.

Marsha and Jim with Miami in the background.

Marsha and Jim with Miami in the background.

Rachel and Michelle.

Rachel and Michelle.

Greg and John.

Greg and John.

Greg, John, Cherie and Rachel.

Greg, John, Cherie and Rachel.

John and Marsha with "Stiltsville" in the distance.

John and Marsha with "Stiltsville" in the distance.

I guess that is why they call it "Stiltsville."

I guess that is why they call it "Stiltsville."



Rachel and Michelle in charge of the foredeck.

Rachel and Michelle in charge of the foredeck.

Greg, John and Marsha.

Greg, John and Marsha.

Whenever I see a sea-plane I can't help but say: "Da plane! Da plane!"

Whenever I see a sea-plane I can't help but say: "Da plane! Da plane!"

Jim is both an experienced sailor and a professional cat-sitter.

Jim is both an experienced sailor and a professional cat-sitter.

Cherie and Greg.

Cherie and Greg.

Cloud Nine's Capitan and First Mate.

Cloud Nine's Capitan and First Mate.

Sailing at sunset...does it get any better?

Sailing at sunset...does it get any better?

Girl talk on the foredeck.

Girl talk on the foredeck.

Putting Rachel to work.

Putting Rachel to work.

If you had an extra $500 bucks, would you buy this stuffed alligator?  (Pipe sold seperately.)

If you had an extra $500 bucks, would you buy this stuffed alligator? (Pipe sold seperately.)

In Miami, the traffic stops to let the boats pass.

In Miami, the traffic stops to let the boats pass.

Only in Ft. Lauderdale.  (At the Bonnet House.)

Only in Ft. Lauderdale. (At the Bonnet House.)

The Bonnet House, a tourist trap nestled in beautiful scenery.

The Bonnet House, a tourist trap nestled in beautiful scenery.

The gardens surrounding the "Bonnet House."

The gardens surrounding the "Bonnet House."

A peaceful swan.

A peaceful swan.



The kitchen crew (Jim, Maria and Marsha.)

The kitchen crew (Jim, Maria and Marsha.)

Two turkeys?  (Just kidding Maria!)

Two turkeys? (Just kidding Maria!)

The carving.

The carving.

Marsha prefers the leg.

Marsha prefers the leg.

Michael, Marsha, John and Greg.

Michael, Marsha, John and Greg.

A rare photo of me playng with a cat.

A rare photo of me playng with a cat.