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I shot this picture of a colorful grasshopper through our guide's telescope. Greg otta be framed! Notice his T-shit says: "Never trust a hippie". Look what the tide washed in, a baby on a boogie board! A cluster of bats nestled in a tree in Quepos, Costa Rica. "Who me?" Monkeys are characters, and great models. Wild bananas, home to lots of spiders. View from the national park "Manuel Antonio". Here comes the rain again. Hermit crabs, rearranging the shells on the beach every few minutes. Bats blending into the bark of a tree. A family of racoons cruising around the park. The Quepos Fire-Department, complete with shiny red truck, sliding pole and dalmation! Frank, with the $65 new refrigerator he made for us! The old refrigerator, that Greg learned to make by reading a book. Frank, hollering about something, as he installs the very item that will allow us to enjoy cold drinks when we are splayed on the beach of an uninhabited tropical island. You never know what you'll find in Costa Rica. We found Sadam Hussein, bin Laden, and Bush boxing puppets. (This ranks right up there with the bin Laden pinatas we found in Mexico.) Everyone, step right up and get your machete! Available at your nearest convenience store. In the USA you can get pizza delivered to your house. In Costa Rica, they have a portable Pizza Hut restaurant...they just bring the truck to your city! Doug, Lisa and Greg getting ready to "Tarzan" through the jungle. Greg, Tarzan in training! Cherie gliding through the trees. Lisa swinging on down! Greg takes off in flight! Just swinging in the rain...swinging in the rain, what a glorious feeling, I'm happy again! Lisa, Doug and Greg on a platform above the rain forest. Greg hiking up! Lisa getting a little push! (I bet the guide loved that!) Doug...faster than a speeding bullet. Our guide clowning around. There I go! We slid on 9 different cables, some over 2000 feet long! Greg and I with two of our guides. Do I look mean or what? Cherie and Greg with Doug and Lisa. A funky church in Golfito, Costa Rica. All you need to be a taxi cab driver in Costa Rica is a sign that you can buy at any local hardware store. On any day, you can go into the city of Golfito and watch the demoliton of a number of buildings. Surprisingly (to me, not to Greg) it is an interesting way to pass the time. Here I am playing on a train. Trains are cool. Ocean front property in Golfito! I finally had it with this moldy pillow, and it met its timely death in Golfito, Costa Rica. Scupper, the friendly dog of Banana Bay Marina. Scott from Mandorla, who rivaled "Scupper" to be "King of the Docks" at Banana Bay Marina! Pirate ships in Golfito Bay? Scirocco painted on the wall of "Land and Sea Marina" in Golfito. In one year Scirocco sailed from the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco to Volcano Arenal of Costa Rica. Bruce and Peggy, the incredible owners of Banana Bay Marina. As we head off for Panama, we realize we have a stow-away crab on Greg's leg. Before we take off, we make sure we have our jumper cables hanging off the side of Scirocco to protect us from lightning. As we take off, we take one last look at the beautiful Costa Rican scenery. The horizon of a new country awaits us! Click on each picture to see it full size.
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