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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"I have great faith in fools--self confidence my friends call it." -- Edgar Allan Poe

@ CherieSpotting     Aug 20 2002 - 16:02 PST
cherie writes: There would be no quality of life without friends. There are the families we are born into, and then there are the families that we choose. Friends are our chosen families.

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Renee, Kristi, Cherie and Kathy

Renee, Kristi, Cherie and Kathy

That's a lot of sushi for two people.

That's a lot of sushi for two people.

Cherie, Libby and Karem

Cherie, Libby and Karem

Libby and Steve

Libby and Steve

Mary in Ibiza, Spain.

Mary in Ibiza, Spain.

Antek and Cherie in Austria.

Antek and Cherie in Austria.

Kristi, Britta and Cherie.

Kristi, Britta and Cherie.

Chris, Jean and Cherie.

Chris, Jean and Cherie.



Just a bunch of friends getting together for sushi.

Just a bunch of friends getting together for sushi.

Deb and Matt, Jean and Dustin, Cherie and Greg.

Deb and Matt, Jean and Dustin, Cherie and Greg.

Kathy, Michele, Cherie, Libby.

Kathy, Michele, Cherie, Libby.

Grady and Jenn, looking at the sky...perhaps they knew way back then that in January 2003 their first child would be born.

Grady and Jenn, looking at the sky...perhaps they knew way back then that in January 2003 their first child would be born.

Way more than friends!  My favorite picture of Greg and Cherie under a banana tree in Mexico.

Way more than friends! My favorite picture of Greg and Cherie under a banana tree in Mexico.

Cherie, Michelle and Jean with stars in their eyes!

Cherie, Michelle and Jean with stars in their eyes!

Cherie and Karem.  Proof positive that it is possible to be too blonde.

Cherie and Karem. Proof positive that it is possible to be too blonde.

Cherie, Cindy Crawford and Kristi.  Okay, perhaps it is a stretch to include Cindy Crawford in my list of friends, but she did take a picture with us at her Omega party!

Cherie, Cindy Crawford and Kristi. Okay, perhaps it is a stretch to include Cindy Crawford in my list of friends, but she did take a picture with us at her Omega party!

Jean, Jenn, Cindy, Deb (Elise) and Cherie.

Jean, Jenn, Cindy, Deb (Elise) and Cherie.

Jenn, Jean, Chris and Cherie.

Jenn, Jean, Chris and Cherie.

Cherie and Kristi.  Can you recognize us?  Our hair is a bit different.

Cherie and Kristi. Can you recognize us? Our hair is a bit different.

Nevin, Lorena, Kristi and Cherie.

Nevin, Lorena, Kristi and Cherie.

Suzi Neilsen and Kevin Fattor

Suzi Neilsen and Kevin Fattor

Matt and Deb (Elise) stuffed into her car on her wedding day.  Most women change only their last name when they get married.  But Deb changed both her names.  Deb Baldwin turned into Elise Crocker!

Matt and Deb (Elise) stuffed into her car on her wedding day. Most women change only their last name when they get married. But Deb changed both her names. Deb Baldwin turned into Elise Crocker!

Cherie and Sean sailing with the Golden Gate Bridge behind them.

Cherie and Sean sailing with the Golden Gate Bridge behind them.

Cherie and Greg dressed up for Steve's wedding.

Cherie and Greg dressed up for Steve's wedding.

Cherie, Nicole and Kristi.

Cherie, Nicole and Kristi.

Debbie, Becky, Jean, Cherie and Jenn at Chris's wedding.

Debbie, Becky, Jean, Cherie and Jenn at Chris's wedding.

Mary and Myra...the same letters form two different names!

Mary and Myra...the same letters form two different names!

Jennifer and Mike Brown on their wedding day. I just recently saw them even happier, holding their new son "Connor" in their arms.

Jennifer and Mike Brown on their wedding day. I just recently saw them even happier, holding their new son "Connor" in their arms.

Anne and Ruarri.

Anne and Ruarri.

Mary and Demian, now residing in Barcelona, Spain.

Mary and Demian, now residing in Barcelona, Spain.

John Sullins and Steve Bass.

John Sullins and Steve Bass.

Mary and Nicole.

Mary and Nicole.

Iris and Rupert.

Iris and Rupert.

Kristi, Nicole and Cherie.

Kristi, Nicole and Cherie.

River rafting in Canada, eh?

River rafting in Canada, eh?

Poku and Nicole.

Poku and Nicole.

Myra and Kristi hanging out in front of Monaco on the Super Yacht "The King".

Myra and Kristi hanging out in front of Monaco on the Super Yacht "The King".

Mike Taht.

Mike Taht.

Mark, John, Michelle, and Cherie.

Mark, John, Michelle, and Cherie.

Another picture of Shai & Geraldine

Another picture of Shai & Geraldine

Sherry Morgan with her two boys Tyler and Garret.

Sherry Morgan with her two boys Tyler and Garret.

Allison Sullivan.  I once knew Allison as the crazy chili-making friend I met in Mexico.  Now she's all business managing hundreds of millions of dollars.  You go girl!

Allison Sullivan. I once knew Allison as the crazy chili-making friend I met in Mexico. Now she's all business managing hundreds of millions of dollars. You go girl!

Sherry Morgan.

Sherry Morgan.

Karem and Tim.

Karem and Tim.

Andrew and Nicole.

Andrew and Nicole.

Jean dressed as a "high roller."

Jean dressed as a "high roller."

Rennie and Anne.

Rennie and Anne.

Watt is Dave Watt doing?

Watt is Dave Watt doing?

Melissa and Mandy.

Melissa and Mandy.

The 3 Kristi's.

The 3 Kristi's.

Renee, Cherie, Kristi & Carter.

Renee, Cherie, Kristi & Carter.