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WheresCherie.COM Quote
"Let me listen to me and not to them." -- Gertrude Stein

Sailing the BVI
@ Where`s Cherie?     Sep 30 2012 - 11:31 PST
greg writes: This spring Jean, Michael, Cherie, and Greg chartered Shiraz, a 40-foot Beneteau sailboat for two weeks in the British Virgin Islands. The BVI is the ideal sailing destination, with a steady 10-15kt breeze, dozens of unique and idyllic anchorages, each only a couple hours sail from each-other, and the warm crystal-clear water of the Caribbean. We can't wait to do it again!

Click on each picture to see it full size.

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Jean, Michael, Cherie, and Greg - the crew of Shiraz!

Jean, Michael, Cherie, and Greg - the crew of Shiraz!

Jean standing in the companionway

Jean standing in the companionway

Cherie and Greg

Cherie and Greg

Corsair's, a charming bar and resturant on Jost Van Dyke

Corsair's, a charming bar and resturant on Jost Van Dyke

A chart of the amazing cruising grounds of the BVI!

A chart of the amazing cruising grounds of the BVI!

Jean and Cherie in the Bubbly Pool

Jean and Cherie in the Bubbly Pool

More bubbly pool!

More bubbly pool!

Greg steering Shiraz to a new destination

Greg steering Shiraz to a new destination



A charming fuel dock, complete with authentic british call box!

A charming fuel dock, complete with authentic british call box!

This is paradise!

This is paradise!

The British Virgin Islands is the most idyllic sailing grounds in the world.

The British Virgin Islands is the most idyllic sailing grounds in the world.

Here's our boat, Shiraz, and our laundry, on the lifelines

Here's our boat, Shiraz, and our laundry, on the lifelines

This is where everyone jumps and dives off the Willie-T - a barge converted to a floating Bar and Pirate Ship.

This is where everyone jumps and dives off the Willie-T - a barge converted to a floating Bar and Pirate Ship.

Swings are fun!

Swings are fun!

Jean swimming around with Willie-T

Jean swimming around with Willie-T

The usual suspects, having too much fun at the Willie-T's

The usual suspects, having too much fun at the Willie-T's

Michael swinging into the ocean at sunset!

Michael swinging into the ocean at sunset!

The tan shows we should be doing this more often!

The tan shows we should be doing this more often!

Jean diving off the boat

Jean diving off the boat

Floating in the warm clear water of the BVI

Floating in the warm clear water of the BVI

Cherie and Jean having a drink at a table on the ocean, with Shiraz in the background

Cherie and Jean having a drink at a table on the ocean, with Shiraz in the background

Swimming into the baths

Swimming into the baths

The warm water of the baths

The warm water of the baths

Michael and Jean surrounded by the stoic rocks of the baths

Michael and Jean surrounded by the stoic rocks of the baths

Jean driving Shiraz

Jean driving Shiraz