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"Do not seek the truth, only cease to cherish opinions." -- Sankara, a Buddhist monk
334--Australia: Show me your map of Tassie! : message board
Welcome to Oz!
(by kateeighty (Standard user) Dec 31 / 08:52)
Welcome to Australia, Cherie. I "stumbled" across your blog a little while ago and have slowly been making my way through the years of your adventure. Your writing style is admirable and unique, and I must say I have had a few quiet chuckles to myself about some of the crazy things you've gotten yourself involved in.
I am embarking on a trip quite similar to yours that you begun so many years ago. (I'm no stalker, but I must say, you've become somewhat of an inspiration for me just to "face the fear" and do it - and have as much fun as you have had!). I sure can associate with your quote - "The only book I could have written five years ago would have been titled: "How to Be an Immature Defensive Control Freak and Still Make Lots of Money.""
If you're ever in Sydney, let me know. If its before March 20th, drop me an email or check out my own blog on www.kateonthego.blogspot.com
From one redhead, to another,