Cherie on the bow of Profligate
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    more pictures!!!
    (by bcerf (Standard user) Oct 06 / 20:06)

    Hi all!

    Well Cherie was so quick at sharing her pictures that I had to rush too.... so without any more delay, here are some of the tackiest pieces of evidence that the 70' and 80' are still alive...
    My warmest 'thank you' to Kevin and Cherie for organizing that wonderful party, that will bounce in my head for a while!, to Jean for inviting Cailtyn and to Caitlyn for inviting me (are you following?), to Robert for taking a lot of pictures (that I would like to call the 'drunk pictures', showing a piece of body here and there and... well I skipped some of them! sorry Robert, if you want them, just email me!) and to all of you who made that night really great ....!!! It was so nice to meet all of you - and the wine was not bad either! I hope to see you again, with or without a wig!(what about organizing a bonfire in San Diego next time...?)
    Let me know if you would like any picture in a (slightly) better resolution and I will send it to you.
    Don't hesitate to send that link to anybody who might want it - I did not collect all email addresses...
    Have a great week - tacky best wishes


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