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"The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page." -- St. Augustine
119--Turks & Caicos: Windsurfing Discovered : message board
Thank you!
(by catnip (Standard user) Feb 27 / 19:49)
Cherie, thank you for the response. We have somewhat narrowed our selection of honeymoon sites to the Cat Islands in the Bahamas. We are looking at a really cool villa on the ocean, lots of scuba, and snorkling, etc, but remote. 10 days of almost paradise! Your tours, your adventures look so inviting. It is a pleasure to go along with you for the ride. I did enter your email upon registering for your site, but here it is again, just in case you should ever need it: dreama_goodpasture@irco.com.
Thank you again, and be safe. Aunt Dreama
(by smorgan (Standard user) Feb 25 / 01:20)
Yes, Cherie, you are too, but I the pictures from the Turs & Caicos islands - the water is beautiful!
I miss you!
(by catnip (Standard user) Feb 24 / 18:13)
Cherie, this is Kristi's Aunt Dreama. I am getting married May 3, and the location you are currently looks like a wonderful place for a honeymoon - exactly what we both love, yet not too far into the West Indies. (Plus, I have a tremendous fear of flying). Would you recommend it? Please let me know at your earliest convenience (if possible). I hope all is well with you and yours. I envy, but have your website to indulge my envy. Be safe.