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"Some men see things as they are and ask 'why?' I dream of things that never were and say 'why not?'" -- Robert Frost

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    Coos Bay
    (by tomatillo (Standard user) Nov 02 / 02:22)

    Can we bring to mind a bit of the maritime folklore in Coos Bay? It was only a few years ago that a coupla dozen Lake Tahoe high school buddies met their destiny there. As a venture into American capitalism (and some good, clean fun, to boot) these fellas had been importing several tons a year of prime grade Thai sticks to the waiting US market. The FBI said it was the largest such operation in history. While unloading via dingys at night outside Coos Bay, a local matron spotted their minimal lights from shore and alerted authorities. She was only being a good citizen, they might have been in trouble. However, real trouble was yet to come. Suffice it to say, the carago tonnage was dumped overboard, the Tahoe kids, now wealthy family men in their mid-thirties, all rolled over for the Man and paid the price, coffee cans of hundred dollar bills buried in their back yards notwithstanding. And as the bundled Thai sticks floated along the Coos Bay shoreline, ready to be plucked by the local populace, the cry was quietly heard: "SAVE THE BALES"!!! And they were.